#Horkheimer #Adorno talk convincingly in #DialecticofEnlightenment about how the #CultureIndustry through its definition of the *categories themselves* that we use to think are part of way the capitalist (and later fascist, in Germany) system manipulates us. Being here, isn’t #Twitter with its algorithms and trending topics a good example of this, while #Mastodon is the perfect counter example?
#horkheimer #Adorno #DialecticofEnlightenment #cultureindustry #twitter #mastodon
"The term #CultureIndustry is so obsolete. They are #CultureBanks. Investors in portfolios of intellectual property as financial instruments, with varying risk profiles. Making the shit is outsourced."
- #McKenzieWark
🐦-site thread: https://twitter.com/mckenziewark/status/1116768689863430144?s=19
#mckenziewark #culturebanks #cultureindustry