This year's #InternationalMuseumDay (18 May) has the theme Museums, Sustainability & Well-Being – so we're offering a special expanded online version of our museum's Relaxation-themed listening tour! Details coming soon...
#IMD2023 #Museums4WellBeing #Relaxation #Listening #OnlineTour #SoundMuseum #Sound #CultureOfSound #SoundBeyondMusic #MuseumOfPortableSound
#internationalmuseumday #imd2023 #museums4wellbeing #relaxation #listening #onlinetour #soundmuseum #sound #cultureofsound #soundbeyondmusic #museumofportablesound
Our #ObjectOfTheWeek is also a #NewAcquisition: How To Give Yourself A Stereo Check-Out by Decca Records (1967).
This 12” LP was not only a standard test record of the time, but is also a mini crash course in important audio concepts like wow & flutter, Sound coloration, channel phasing and more.
#LPRecords #stereo #records #VinylRecords #WowAndFlutter #ChannelPhasing #SoundColoration #decca #DeccaRecords #TestRecord #CultureOfSound #SoundBeyondMusic #MuseumOfPortableSound
#objectoftheweek #newacquisition #lprecords #stereo #records #vinylrecords #wowandflutter #channelphasing #soundcoloration #decca #deccarecords #testrecord #cultureofsound #soundbeyondmusic #museumofportablesound
This past weekend we welcomed a pair of visitors in Germany who listened to some of our recordings of classic audio gear in operation - like this 1981 Studer A 807 Mk 1 #tape machine we recorded at The Keep Archives in Brighton, UK in 2019.
Book your own visit TODAY at!
#StuderA807 #StuderA807Mki #OnlineMuseum #TapeRecorder #ReelToReel #TapeMachine #Listening #Sound #CultureOfSound #SoundBeyondMusic #MuseumOfPortableSound
#tape #studera807 #studera807mki #onlinemuseum #taperecorder #reeltoreel #tapemachine #listening #sound #cultureofsound #soundbeyondmusic #museumofportablesound
We've been asking people to sit down, shut up, and listen since 2015. Literally.
We're a museum you actually listen to, filled with sounds from around the world and across time.
Visit us in person or online. Book now at!
#museum #sound #listening #recording #FieldRecording #history #CultureOfSound #SoundStudies #SitDown #ShutUp #Listen
#museum #sound #listening #recording #fieldrecording #history #cultureofsound #soundstudies #sitdown #shutup #listen
'Japanese Otacoustic Fan' (1882). Developed at a Tokyo institute for the deaf, these fans of lacquered sheets used bone conduction to amplify sound.
#Hearing #HearingAid #HearingLoss #JapaneseDesign #BoneConduction #Otacoustic #Fan #Amplification #Skull #SoundBeyondMusic #CultureOfSound #MuseumOfPortableSound
#hearing #HearingAid #hearingloss #japanesedesign #boneconduction #otacoustic #fan #amplification #skull #soundbeyondmusic #cultureofsound #museumofportablesound
Dutch painter Nicolaes Maes (1634-1693) was a student of Rembrandt, who worked in Amsterdam and Dordrecht. One of his signature motifs is the eavesdropper, seen here in The Eavesdropping Man (1655) & The Listening Wife (1656).
#listening #eavesdropping #DutchPainting #ArtHistory #painting #listeners #GenrePainting #CultureOfSound #SoundBeyondMusic
#listening #eavesdropping #dutchpainting #arthistory #painting #listeners #genrepainting #cultureofsound #soundbeyondmusic
Marking 365 days since the Russian invasion of Ukraine by re-visiting the second object ever donated to our Physical Objects Collection: a 1988 Ukrainian AM/FM radio donated by Dr Kate Yonova-Doing, which was handed over to our care by her husband Karel on 16 Dec 2015. We express solidarity with the Ukrainian people and hope a peaceful resolution ends this horrific war soon.
#Ukraine #radio #AMFM #PhysicalObjectsCollection #CultureOfSound #SoundBeyondMusic #peace #NoWar #MuseumOfPortableSound
#ukraine #radio #amfm #physicalobjectscollection #cultureofsound #soundbeyondmusic #peace #nowar #museumofportablesound
Solar Sun Visor Speaker Radio (manufacturer unknown, 1980)
#solar #SolarEnergy #SolarPower #radio #visor #headgear #80s #80sFashion #PortableSound #PortableSoundInFashion #CultureOfSound #SoundBeyondMusic #MuseumOfPortableSound
#solar #solarenergy #solarpower #radio #visor #headgear #80s #80sfashion #portablesound #portablesoundinfashion #cultureofsound #soundbeyondmusic #museumofportablesound
Generously donated, along with a vinyl wallet filled with extra dictabelts and index cards, by Thomas Vogel. (2/2)
#ibm #executary #dictation #dictaphone #recording #voicerecorder #dictabelt #retrotech #obsoletetechnology #cultureofsound #soundbeyondmusic #museumofportablesound
#ibm #executary #dictation #dictaphone #recording #voicerecorder #dictabelt #retrotech #ObsoleteTechnology #cultureofsound #soundbeyondmusic #museumofportablesound
#RetroGaming #Videogames #Nintendo #Pokemon #Pikachu #DenshaDeGo64 #TrainSimulator #Simulator #90sTechnology #90s #Retro #microphone #CultureOfSound #SoundBeyondMusic #MuseumOfPortableSound #Sound #SoundMuseum #MuseumOfSound
#retrogaming #videogames #nintendo #pokemon #pikachu #denshadego64 #trainsimulator #simulator #90stechnology #90s #retro #microphone #cultureofsound #soundbeyondmusic #museumofportablesound #sound #soundmuseum #museumofsound
Yesterday we welcomed an online visitor in Minneapolis (our first to find us via Mastodon!) to our museum, who listened to our entire gallery of Bells & Clocks – including the bells at #WestminsterAbbey
on Christmas Day, 2014!
Travel in time and space! Book your online visit at
#Bells #Clocks #SoundMuseum #CultureOfSound #SoundBeyondMusic #FieldRecording #Phonography #Joy #MuseumVisit
#westminsterabbey #bells #Clocks #soundmuseum #cultureofsound #soundbeyondmusic #fieldrecording #phonography #joy #museumvisit
Ear-shaped earrings designed by Daniel Roseberry for the Spring/Summer 2020 & 2021 collections of Elsa Schiaparelli.
#fashion #earrings #ears #listening #CultureOfSound #SoundBeyondMusic #SurrealistFashion #ElsaSchiaparelli #DanielRoseberry #FashionDesign #Accessories
#fashion #earrings #ears #listening #cultureofsound #soundbeyondmusic #surrealistfashion #elsaschiaparelli #danielroseberry #fashiondesign #Accessories
CONGRATULATIONS to Dayang in Manila, the Philippines, who this morning became our 2,000th visitor!! Dayang will receive a package of FABULOUS PRIZES* in celebration of this major milestone in our museum’s history.
Book your own visit today at:
#visitor2000 #2000thvisitor #congratulations #manila #thephilippines #onlinevisit #museumvisit #cultureofsound #soundbeyondmusic #museumofportablesound
#visitor2000 #2000thvisitor #Congratulations #manila #thephilippines #onlinevisit #museumvisit #cultureofsound #soundbeyondmusic #museumofportablesound
Digitizing a ‘voice letter’ dictaphone recording from 1953 to add to our Permanent Collection of Sounds! #dictaphone #78rpm #vinyl #vinylcollection #1950s #audio #sound #museumcollection #museum #soundmuseum #cultureofsound #soundbeyondmusic #museumofportablesound
#dictaphone #78rpm #vinyl #VinylCollection #1950s #audio #sound #museumcollection #museum #soundmuseum #cultureofsound #soundbeyondmusic #museumofportablesound
While in Portugal over the holidays, our Acquisitions Team collected sounds of the French garden @fundacao_serralves for our museum’s new gallery of Gardens, Parks & Memorials, coming to our 4th Edition Gallery Guide.
#fieldrecording #fieldrecordings #phonography #soundobjects #soundmuseum #serralves #garden #frenchgarden #cultureofsound #soundbeyondmusic #museumofsound #museumofportablesound
#fieldrecording #fieldrecordings #phonography #soundobjects #soundmuseum #serralves #garden #frenchgarden #cultureofsound #soundbeyondmusic #museumofsound #museumofportablesound
After a relaxing – but no less productive – holiday in Portugal, we're back open and ready to offer Guided Tours again, online and in person!
Book your personal visit to our museum at:
#Museum #SoundMuseum #MuseumOfPortableSound #CultureOfSound #SoundHistory #SoundStudies #WeAreOpen #Back #NowBooking #BookNow #OnlineMuseum
#museum #soundmuseum #museumofportablesound #cultureofsound #soundhistory #soundstudies #weareopen #back #nowbooking #booknow #onlinemuseum
Our 2022 Book We Stuck the Most Post-Its Inside was, hands down, Sounds Wild and Broken by David George Haskell. This marvel of a book reinvigorated the work we’re doing on the revised 4th Edition of the museum’s Gallery Guide & provided many new perspectives on sounds & listening. Can’t recommend it enough.
#DavidGeorgeHaskell #SoundsWildAndBroken #research #DeepTime #nature #NatureWriting #book #sound #listening #listen #CultureOfSound #HistoryOfSound #SoundStudies #SoundBeyondMusic
#davidgeorgehaskell #soundswildandbroken #research #deeptime #nature #naturewriting #book #sound #listening #listen #cultureofsound #historyofsound #soundstudies #soundbeyondmusic
New humpback whale "songs" tend to originate in an incubation area off the eastern coast of Australia, then spread eastward across the Pacific – evidence of cultural transmission.
#Whales #WhaleSong #HumpbackWhales #Australia #CulturalTransmission #culture #PacificOcean #CultureOfSound #SoundBeyondMusic #Bioacoustics #UnderwaterLife #MuseumOfPortableSound
#whales #whalesong #humpbackwhales #australia #culturaltransmission #culture #pacificocean #cultureofsound #soundbeyondmusic #BioAcoustics #underwaterlife #museumofportablesound
Advert for a Motorola portable AM radio with rotating antenna handle (1955)
#radio #PortableSound #AMradio #motorola #handle #rotate #rotating #CultureOfSound #SoundBeyondMusic #1950sDesign
#radio #portablesound #amradio #motorola #handle #rotate #rotating #cultureofsound #soundbeyondmusic #1950sdesign
Researchers have found humans are able to glean insights into the feelings of animals including pigs, horses and goats based on their vocalisations
#AnimalSounds #Nature #Communication #InterspeciesCommunication #Vocalizations #Vocalisations #SoundBeyondMusic #CultureOfSound
#animalsounds #nature #communication #interspeciescommunication #vocalizations #vocalisations #soundbeyondmusic #cultureofsound