"Ohio’s Issue 1 was one of the most blatant and cynical power grabs. It underscored the suspicion, now shared by many voters, that the GOP knows it can’t win by the rules and so either tries to change those rules mid-game or cries 'fraud' when it loses.
That has left a sour taste in the mouths of many voters, including independents and persuadable Republicans."
#Ohio #Republicans #abortion #CulturwWars #MinorityRule #democracy
#ohio #republicans #abortion #culturwwars #minorityrule #democracy
The win in Ohio, amazing as it is for progressives in a traditionally red, Trump-voting state, also carries many important takeaways with implications for the future of democracy in Ohio and for big national battles in 2024."
#Ohio #Republicans #abortion #CulturwWars #MinorityRule #democracy
#ohio #republicans #abortion #culturwwars #minorityrule #democracy
"The election resulted in a resounding rejection of Republican electoral tricks and of minority rule, and it was a strong indication that voters are exhausted by and have had it with GOP extremism on abortion rights and other cultural and social issues."
~ Jay Kuo
#Ohio #Republicans #abortion #CulturwWars #MinorityRule #democracy
#ohio #republicans #abortion #culturwwars #minorityrule #democracy