RT @mundolapalma
Medio Ambiente presenta los primeros resultados del estudio de la biodiversidad afectada por el volcán https://www.mundolapalma.es/2023/02/medio-ambiente-estudio-biodiversidad-volcan.html #LaPalma #IsladeLaPalma #IslaBonita #Canarias #IslasCanarias #volcántajogaite #CumbreVieja #volcándecumbrevieja #reconstrucciónlapalma #fuerzalapalma
#LaPalma #isladelapalma #islabonita #canarias #islascanarias #volcantajogaite #cumbrevieja #volcandecumbrevieja #reconstruccionlapalma #fuerzalapalma
Infos zu #LaPalma in 🇩🇪:
🗒 Blog Roger P. Frey, 🦣 @efadi, 🐦@efadi_LP:
🗒 Blog Simon Märkle:
🗒 Blog Matthias Siebold:
🗒 LaPalma24 journal:
🗒 Manfred Betzwieser, 🐦 @Lapalma1N:
🎞 Youtube-Kanal "Gärtnerin aus Leidenschaft Finca BiJo La Palma" von Birgit Knodt:
🎞 Youtube-Kanal "Bananeninsel":
#lapalma #tajogaite #cumbrevieja
RT @i_ameztoy
#LaPalma a 3 de enero y 14 de noviembre de 2022
Vuelo sobre #CumbreVieja #Tajogaite unos meses después de que la Tierra parara de rugir 🌋 Se ven con bastante claridad la dos nuevas carreteras que unen ambos lados. @CopernicusEU #Sentinel2 🛰️ #EO
#LaPalma #cumbrevieja #tajogaite #Sentinel2 #eo
Just upgraded my #elastic cluster to 8.5 and already enjoying the new time slider control on the #cumbrevieja, check how seismic activity on the right map changes on every frame!
- de #CumbreVieja: @Cahora@twitter.com @sanchezcastejon@twitter.com
- de #Tajogaite: @eldia@twitter.com @involcan@twitter.com (a veces), @RTVECanarias@twitter.com .
- de #LaPalma: @IGNSpain@twitter.com @RTVCes@twitter.com @avtorresp@twitter.com @diariodelapalma@twitter.com
Erupción de La Palma:
@IGNSpain@twitter.com @ita_dc@twitter.com
Erupción #Tajogaite:
@IgnacioGarciaGT@twitter.com @LavaBombsFilm@twitter.com
🌋 🤷🏻♂️
#cumbrevieja #tajogaite #lapalma
The inhabitants of the Canary island of #LaPalma have been given a very special present for #xmas: Spanish authorities have declared that the eruption of the #CumbreVieja volcano that had been going on for three moments has now officially come to an end.
That must be quite a relief for the inhabitants. Some have lost almost everything.
🤩Estamos muy orgullosos del trabajo de nuestro equipo de @DronSea y @opecam_icman colaborando con los compañeros de @IEOoceanografia y @IGNSpain dedicando esfuerzo y recursos al servicio de la ciudadanía 👏
#CumbreVieja #EmergenciasLaPalma
#cumbrevieja #EmergenciasLaPalma
#dNews #News #LaPalma #CumbreVieja #Volcano #Lava #LavaFlow #VolcanicEruption #Eruption #Magma #Quake #Earthquake #Canaries
The Canary Islands Seismic Network has been registering a strong increase in the amplitude of the volcanic tremor for the last 4 hours, which is an indicator of the intensity of the Strombolian explosive activity in the active mouths at this time.
#dNews #LaPalma #cumbrevieja #volcano #news #lava #LavaFlow #volcaniceruption #eruption #magma #quake #earthquake #canaries
#dNews #News #CumbreVieja #LaPalma #Volcano #Lava #LavaFlow #VolcanicEruption #Eruption #Magma #Quake #Earthquake #Canaries - [RT Antoine Llorca @antoinellorca]
This totally crazy image was captured by a drone... a swimming pool engulfed by lava after the eruption of the volcano Cumbre Vieja in La Palma in the Canary Islands.
#LaPalma #lava #volcaniceruption #magma #canaries #volcano #dNews #news #cumbrevieja #quake #earthquake #LavaFlow #eruption
RT @Apaiss1@twitter.com
Timelapse of the moon rising behind the mountain, serenely watching the eruption. Beautiful. #Vulcano #vulcao #cumbrevieja #LaPalmaeruption
#vulcano #vulcao #cumbrevieja #LaPalmaeruption
#dNews #News #LaPalma #CumbreVieja #Volcano #Lava #LavaFlow #VolcanicEruption #Eruption #Magma #Quake #Earthquake #Canaries #CanaryIslands - [RT News and Trends @notytend@twtr.plus]
Hizo erupción el volcán de La Palma desde las 3 de la tarde. El balance es el siguiente...
🌋 UPDATE 🌋 (translated)
The #LaPalma volcano erupted at 3 in the afternoon, local time.
The latest status is as follows:
♦ 5,000 people evacuated
♦ 8 homes affected
♦ No human losses
#news #LaPalma #cumbrevieja #volcano #lava #LavaFlow #volcaniceruption #eruption #magma #earthquake #dNews #quake #canaries #canaryislands
#dNews #News #LaPalma #CumbreVieja #Volcano #Lava #Eruption #Magma #Earthquake @Smeeagain @TechyDog @valentina @cowanon @RoboftheVolcano @hogihung
@CoramDeo - posted this link for a study made by the NRC in 2016:
Section 4-5 has the critical information, where it estimates a tsunami from the Canary Islands would only generate a 1-2 meter wave (3-6 feet) at Daytona Beach, creating no inundation or damage.
All this is subject to Murphy's Law.
#magma #earthquake #dNews #cumbrevieja #volcano #eruption #news #LaPalma #lava
#dNews #News #LaPalma #CumbreVieja #Volcano #Lava #LavaFlow #VolcanicEruption #Eruption #Magma #Quake #Earthquake #Canaries #CanaryIslands - [RT Ignacio Garcia @ignaciogarciagt@twtr.plus]
Pity for many locals living in the area, let’s not forget that apart from destroying villages, this eruption will probably destroy a big number of water wells, electric grids and roads affecting other areas of the island.
🌋 @ezequieleg968@twtr.plus: House reached by the lava of the volcano of La Palma in the Canary Islands. 🔥
#dNews #news #lava #earthquake #LaPalma #LavaFlow #volcaniceruption #eruption #quake #canaries #canaryislands #cumbrevieja #volcano #magma
#dNews #News #LaPalma #CumbreVieja #Volcano #Lava #LavaFlow #Eruption #Magma #Quake #Earthquake #CanaryIslands
Most Tsunami Warning Buoys OFFLINE or Malfunctioning in Atlantic Ocean
Three of the five Tsunami Warning Buoys protecting the US east coast are OFFLINE and a fourth is malfunctioning, leaving only ONE buoy in the Atlantic Ocean to warn Americans if a tsunami wave is coming at them from the island of La Palma in the Canary Islands, which is now erupting.
#dNews #cumbrevieja #volcano #eruption #earthquake #canaryislands #news #LaPalma #lava #LavaFlow #magma #quake
#dNews #News #LaPalma #CumbreVieja #Volcano #Lava #LavaFlow #VolcanicEruption #Eruption #Magma #Quake #Earthquake #Canaries #CanaryIslands - [RT Leslie @leslietrfc@twtr.plus]
Incredible, Terrifying Photography from La Palama Volcano
The Invoca has confirmed that the lava coming out of the volcano reaches a temperature of 1,075ºC (2,000ºF)!
Prayers to #Spain and La Palma Islands Region. A Tsunami might be looming to the coast of the #USA and #Canada.
#dNews #news #LaPalma #cumbrevieja #volcano #lava #LavaFlow #volcaniceruption #eruption #magma #quake #earthquake #canaries #canaryislands #spain #usa #canada
#dNews #News #LaPalma #CumbreVieja #Volcano #Lava #LavaFlow #VolcanicEruption #Eruption #Magma #Quake #Earthquake #Canaries #CanaryIslands - [RT Paul Byrne @theplanetaryguy]
Cumbre Vieja Volcano - NIGHT FOOTAGE
Incredible footage of the Cumbre Vieja eruption on #LaPalma now that night has fallen.
#cumbrevieja #quake #canaries #canaryislands #LavaFlow #magma #news #volcaniceruption #dNews #LaPalma #volcano #lava #eruption #earthquake