π Unleash the Power of Cumulative Mean in R! π
As data-driven professionals, understanding the "cumulative mean" can revolutionize our statistical analysis. π This insightful measure unveils the evolving average value of a dataset over time, making it perfect for time-series analysis, trend spotting, and smoothing noisy data.
#RStats #Statistics #Trends #r #opensourcesoftware #opensourcecommunity #technology #innovation #cumulativemean #cumulative #mean #timeseries
#timeseries #mean #cumulative #cumulativemean #innovation #Technology #OpenSourceCommunity #opensourcesoftware #r #trends #statistics #RStats
"Children, Go Where I Send Thee" (alternatively "Children, Go Where I Send You" or variations thereof, also known as "The Holy Baby", "Little Bitty Baby", or "Born in Bethlehem") is a traditional #AfricanAmerican #spiritual song. Among the many different versions of the song, a defining feature is the #cumulative structure, with each number (typically up to 12 or 10) accompanied by a #biblical reference. Today, many #Americans know it as a #ChristmasCarol.
#africanamerican #spiritual #cumulative #biblical #americans #christmascarol
There are 6 #cumulative #climate #tippingpoints:
Ice melt in #Greenland & #WestAntarctica
#CO2 #CH4 #GulfStream #Monsoon #Amazon
They don't seem #linear, but #exponential!
P.#Taalas #WMO: "#Sealevel will rise by 30 m"
H.#Wanless 2060 +7 m
H.#Winkler 2050 +14 m (or 2030?) exponentiell to polarportal.dk-curve
#Winkler #wanless #sealevel #wmo #taalas #exponential #linear #amazon #monsoon #gulfstream #ch4 #co2 #westantarctica #greenland #tippingpoints #climate #cumulative
Useful perspective on #UAE as host of #COP28 - a case study in #EmissionsOwnership #Scope3 #cumulative
#ClimateEmergency https://www.aljazeera.com/opinions/2023/3/29/we-need-decisive-climate-action-can-cop28-deliver
#uae #COP28 #emissionsownership #scope3 #cumulative #climateemergency
Cumulative mean is a statistical measure that calculates the mean of a set of numbers up to a certain point in time or after a certain number of observations. It is also known as a running average or moving average.
Cumulative mean can be useful in a variety of contexts. For example:
Tracking progress, Analyzing trends, Smoothing data
Post: https://www.spsanderson.com/steveondata/posts/rtip-2023-03-22/
#data #innovation #technology #r #rstats #cumulative #purrr #tidy #map #opensource #opensourcesoftware #software
#Software #opensourcesoftware #OpenSource #Map #tidy #purrr #cumulative #RStats #r #Technology #innovation #Data
#BlueberryRiver #FirstNations #ImplementationAgreement signed in January was a response to last yearβs #BCSupremeCourt #judgment in the case of #YaheyVsBritish Columbia. 1st time a #Canadian #court has ruled that #cumulative effects of multiple projects over time may form basis of #treaty #infringements , #forbade #BCgovernment from authorizing further #development in #BRFN territory unless an #agreement for a satisfactory regulatory #approval regime was reached.
#blueberryriver #firstnations #implementationagreement #bcsupremecourt #judgment #yaheyvsbritish #canadian #court #cumulative #treaty #infringements #forbade #bcgovernment #development #brfn #agreement #approval
Just had a thread discussing the cumulative effects of little cliamte change inputs, and found the perfect way to express it: "We look at a road of ten thousand miles and somehow we never see that it was composed of 633,600,000 inches all along. The inches just didn't seem all that significant until they were all in a row..."
Wer kennt Beispiele von kumulativen Dissertationen in der (Computer-)Linguistik?
Who knows examples of #cumulative dissertations in (computational) #linguistics, especially from Germany?
#followerPower #linguistik @linguistics
#linguistik #followerpower #linguistics #cumulative
RT @bm_hamilton@twitter.com
A fun collab with @AMAP_Arctic@twitter.com colleagues! Holistic and harmonized monitoring of #plasticpollution in the #Arctic = evaluating the co-existence of #plastics and #additive chemicals to better understand #fate #transport and #cumulative #effects. Check it out! π https://twitter.com/ArcticScienceJ/status/1617943245195194369
π¦π: https://twitter.com/bm_hamilton/status/1617974877667098626
#effects #cumulative #transport #fate #additive #plastics #arctic #PlasticPollution
@kdnyhan @petersuber indeed. This is a large part of the reason I (social science data consultant) collaborate so closely with our Evidence Synthesis Coordinator - especially on training - because #transparency #replication and #evidencesynthesis are not really separate but all part of an #open and #cumulative science paradigm and necessary for the others to be effective.
#transparency #replication #EvidenceSynthesis #open #cumulative
@BleepingComputer OK but when are we finally going to get #Windows 11 #cumulative #updates that will successfully apply on a freaking #VM?! Iβm truly beginning to hate #Microsoft. #bugs #QAFail
#windows #cumulative #updates #vm #microsoft #bugs #qafail
So having in mind Glen's devastating chart in the previous toot, have a look at CO2-only data for 2019 from OurWorldInData.
We all depend on the poorer nations and regions to quickly replace fossil fuels, as well. Their current emission policies are what's really driving the devastating outlook... of course that is our fault: We didn't replace the world's suicidal economic system with one that fits into planetary boundaries. But since we're in this together now, it doesn't pay if we only focus our own national bellybutton.
I won't bore you with written interpretation of the charts.
Just note that "consumption based CO2" is only reported for 118 of the 233 countries βΒ and that my definition of sub-regions for consumption-based CO2 only shows those regions where ~70% of the member countries include consumption-based CO2 in 2019.
#CO2 #Countries #Regions #2019 #ConsumptionBased #ProductionBased #Cumulative
#co2 #countries #regions #consumptionbased #productionbased #cumulative
There are times when we may want to look at #cumulative #statistics such as #cumsum or #cummean etc.
With my #r #package {TidyDensity} there are several functions build in that can help, one such is chmean() which will calculate the cumulative harmonic mean of a given #numeric #vector
This is a #vectorized #function which works quickly.
Here is a link to the post: https://www.spsanderson.com/steveondata/posts/rtip-2022-11-16/
#function #vectorized #vector #numeric #package #r #cummean #cumsum #statistics #cumulative
CCEBC Tipping Points and Cumulative Effects Call for Questions:
We are reaching out to ask for your questions on #tippingpoints and #cumulative effects. What questions do you have related to tipping points and/or cumulative effects? Are they #marine, #terrestrial or #freshwater related? Are they fundamental science questions, or more geared to science to assist environmental management? Specific or generally applicable?
You can submit your questions here: https://s.surveyplanet.com/uteyprpu
#tippingpoints #cumulative #marine #terrestrial #Freshwater
The world installed 174GW of solar in 2021 and is on track to deploy 260GW by end of 2022 β IEA
The world installed around 174GW of solar PV in 2021, a 20% jump on th...
Article Source: https://www.pv-tech.org/the-world-installed-174gw-of-solar-in-2021-and-is-on-track-to-deploy-260gw-by-end-of-2022-iea/
#cumulative, #report, #installations, #deployment, #news, #statistics, #iea, #china
#china #iea #statistics #news #deployment #installations #report #cumulative
Important new initiative needs your support to take govt to court on destruction of precious natural environment. Add a donation today to speed it on its way?
RT @Andrew9Boswell: *LAUNCHING NOW*
Crowdfunder live πhttps://www.crowdjustice.com/case/stop-road-building-wrecking-climate-nature/
βοΈStop large road schemes going ahead without #cumulative assessment of #carbon emissions
π€a win could help ensure proper #climate impaβ¦
π¦π: https://nitter.eu/catherinerowett/status/1551840390730448896