Rockin #LabourDay tunes at Memorial Park in #Oshawa. with #etfo #osstf #cupe #opseu #cupw #unifor #firefighters #sprinklerfitters #ona #nurses and more! #solidarity #durhamregionlabourcouncil #durhamlabour
#labourday #oshawa #etfo #osstf #cupe #opseu #cupw #unifor #firefighters #sprinklerfitters #ona #nurses #solidarity #durhamregionlabourcouncil #durhamlabour
CUPW files unfair labour practices complaint with Ontario Labour Relations Board against Uber | CP24 #CUPW #Uber #LabourPractices #onpoli
#cupw #uber #LabourPractices #onpoli
Canadian Postal Workers Forced Back to Work, Supporters Jailed
via #CUPW & #LabourStart -> #Canada? #solidarity #WorkersRights
#solidarity #workersrights #cupw #labourstart #canada
Enough is Enough: **#CUPW #Ottawa community picket in solidarity with postal workers report-back**
"Ottawa, Canadian territory: On Nov 26th, the federal government passed a “special law” that stripped the right to strike for postal workers. Postal workers had been working without a contract since January and we…"
#CUPW #Ottawa community picket in solidarity with postal workers report-back
Enough is Enough: **#CUPW #IWW Holding the line: supporters picket #Canada Post after back-to-work legislation**
"Union members and community supporters across Canada have been organizing militant and effective pickets at Canada Post facilities ever since legislation came down on Monday making strik…"
#bot #Anarchism #canada #IWW #cupw
#CUPW #IWW Holding the line: supporters picket #Canada Post after back-to-work legislation
#CUPW #Canada Post: "There is talk of defying the back to work legislation, but that has yet to be determined" #Syndikalism