Link blog entry for "Curaçao Jews Home page": Learn about the Jews of Curaçao: their rich history, magnificent synagogues, historic cemeteries, fascinating museums, and other delightful other sites. Find everything you need to plan a visit. is an initiative of the Jewish Cultural Historical Museum as we approach 400 years of Jewish life recorded on the island of Curaçao. (
#curacao, jews, snoa, jewish, history
California was up by four
Against Curacao they scored more
But then a four-run lead
Gave way to the Curacao's greed
It all changed with Louis' home run galore!
#littleleagueworldseries #california #curacao #walkoffhomer #poetry
#littleleagueworldseries #california #curacao #walkoffhomer #poetry
#Aerotelegraph - Versuch: Corendon bringt kinderfreie Zone im Airbus A350 - #corendon_airlines #adults_only #Airlines #corendon #Curacao #kinder
#Aerotelegraph #corendon_airlines #adults_only #airlines #corendon #curacao #kinder
Ik vind de serie Caribische Verhalen van Nina Jurna met de aflevering indrukwekkender worden. Vandaag die over #Curacao gezien, waarin de kracht centraal staat van taal, in dit gevan van het #Papiamentu. Zulke complexe, gelaagde, betrokken televisie zou er van mij meer mogen zijn
#micronpen #colouredmicronpen #amateur #birds #drawing
Afscheidskadootje getekend voor collega die emigreert naar #Curaçao
#curacao #drawing #birds #amateur #colouredmicronpen #micronpen
Tropical Mockingbird in Punda Curacao ©Debra Martz At first glance I thought this was a Northern Mockingbird, out of range. It looks almost the same with slight differences in the feathering and of course, their range. The yellow background is that of the government building in Willemstad, Punda Quarter, Curacao.
#bird #mockingbird #nature #TropicalMockingbird #aves #avian #birdWatching #outdoors #outside #YellowBackground #punda #willemstad #curacao #BuyIntoArt
#bird #mockingbird #nature #tropicalmockingbird #aves #avian #birdwatching #outdoors #outside #yellowbackground #punda #willemstad #curacao #BuyIntoArt
Punda Love Hearts ©Debra Martz The hearts are located on the Punda side of the Queen Emma Bridge in #Willemstad #Curacao. The plaque reads Lock Your Love on the "Punda Love Hearts" by Carlos Blaaker.
Perhaps the heart structures were strategically placed here to prevent lovers from hanging locks on the historic pontoon bridge of Willemstad, Curacao. If so, it seems to have worked.
#willemstad #curacao #love #hearts #lovelocks #loveart #BuyIntoArt
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I like Cruising (customizable) Poster
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#Photo shows a #CruiseShip of the Holland America Line in the harbor of #Curaçao (and yes, that's the half moon, lying on its tummy, just like it's supposed to look on the tropics). 👉 Feel free to edit (or delete) the text.
Otrobanda District of Willemstad Curacao ©Debra Martz Old city quarter Otrobanda features brightly painted colonial buildings as seen at the waterfront across St Anna Bay from the Punda district.
#architecture #curacao #otrobanda #willemstad #clouds #coastal #colonial #buildings #colorful #vibrant #bay #blueWater #beautifulSky #BuyIntoArt #AYearForArt #TheArtDistrict #FediGiftShop
#architecture #curacao #otrobanda #willemstad #clouds #coastal #colonial #buildings #colorful #vibrant #bay #bluewater #beautifulsky #BuyIntoArt #ayearforart #theartdistrict #fedigiftshop
Shortly after deboarding from the cruise ship all were welcomed to the island of Curacao by these lovely ladies. The sign is colorful which goes perfectly with the colorful city of Willemstad. Once back home, I further enhanced the colors and textures with several filters added to my original photograph.
Welcome To Curacao ©Debra Martz
#welcome #curacao #welcoming #colorful #BuyIntoArt #AYearForArt #TheArtDistrict #FediGiftShop
#welcome #curacao #welcoming #colorful #BuyIntoArt #ayearforart #theartdistrict #fedigiftshop
Op 1 juli herdenken we de afschaffing van de slavernij op #Aruba, #Bonaire, #Curaçao, #Saba, #SintEustatius, #SintMaarten en in #Suriname: #KetiKoti, #DiaDiAbolishon, #Emancipatiedag.
#BIJ1 strijdt voor 1 juli als een officiële vrije dag, elk jaar. ✊🏾
#aruba #bonaire #curacao #saba #sinteustatius #sintmaarten #suriname #ketikoti #diadiabolishon #emancipatiedag #bij1
Post- scuba open water certification beer. Never would have revisited scuba if my daughter (12) wasn’t interested, and I’m so glad she is. Took a PADI course with Scuba Do in Jan Thiel Beach, Curaçao. Great experience, highly recommended!
Gibi Bacilio; Mario Dijkhoff; Ramón Todd Dandaré; Frank A.J. Booi; Tico Croes; Gladys J. do Rego-Kuster; María Diwan; Mickey Hart; Imelda Valerianus-Fermina; Hubert Wanga; Heske Levisson; Jossy M. Mansur; Julio Maduro; Denis Henriquez; Philomena Wong; Pedro Velazquez; Beti Doran; Vi Coco; Roland Colastica; Barche Baromeo; Enrique Muller; Jopi Hart; Philip A. Rademaker; Lupe Reyes; Walter Palm; Federico Oduber
#Papiamentu, #Papiamento, #Papiaments, #Aruba, #Bonaire, #Boneiru, #Curaçao, #Kòrsou, #literatuur, #literatura, #Caraïben, #Karibe
Op de drie Nederlands-Caraïbische eilanden, Aruba, Bonaire en Curaçao, wordt een eigen creoolse taal gesproken, het Papiamentu (of Papiamento). Sinds de jaren rond de afschaffing van de slavernij, in 1863, worden ook de eerste teksten in deze taal gepubliceerd. Daartoe behoren verhalen, romans, gedichten, essays, pamfletten, liederen, dialogen en toneelteksten, die met weidse uitleg als 'literatuur' werden of worden aangeduid. Hierin staat centraal hoe de bewoners van de eilanden naar zichzelf, elkaar, hun belaste verleden en naar buitenstaanders uit de westerse wereld keken en kijken. Deze teksten zijn daarmee een weerspiegeling van de sentimenten en ideologieën in de eilandsamenlevingen van Aruba, Bonaire en Curaçao.
#Papiamentu #papiamento #papiaments #Aruba #Bonaire #boneiru #curacao #korsou #literatuur #literatura #caraiben #karibe
✈️#3Abr: # Venezuela and #Curaçao officially authorized #airtravel after 4 years of closure. The President of @InacVzla / @inac_venezuela stated that airlines worldwide are preparing to open direct #flights to Venezuela.
More on last week’s episode
#rorshok #venezuela #update #🇻🇪 #venezolanosenelmundo #venezolanosenusa #venezolanosencolombia #venezolanosenelextranjero #venezolanosenchile #venezolanosenmiami #venezolanosenperu #venezolanosenespaña
#3abr #curacao #airtravel #flights #rorshok #venezuela #update #venezolanosenelmundo #venezolanosenusa #venezolanosencolombia #venezolanosenelextranjero #venezolanosenchile #venezolanosenmiami #venezolanosenperu #venezolanosenespana