On #CurbYourEnthusiasm #MichaelJFox says to #LarryDavid “I have a sickness in my brain. You have a sickness in your mind!” ❤️ 😂 ❤️ 👉 https://vm.tiktok.com/ZTREHov9C/
#curbyourenthusiasm #michaeljfox #larrydavid #parkinsonsdisease
Starting soon on #NightShift, #CurbYourEnthusiasm. It’s only on Starship changeling TV, so hope you weren’t wanting to join in. lol
#nightshift #curbyourenthusiasm
The "Curb your enthusiasm" cast is pretty pretty pretty unlucky. Larry David appeared in a commercial for #FTX; Jeff Garlin was misbehaving on the set of the Goldbergs and had to quit. Cheryl Hines supports her anti-vaxxer husband, Republican-in-Democratic clothes, who wants to be the president of the USA.
#hbo #hboMax #CurbYourEnthusiasm #LarryDavid #JeffGarlin #CherylHines #RobertKennedyJr #crypto #tv #watch #watching
#FTX #hbo #hbomax #curbyourenthusiasm #larrydavid #jeffgarlin #cherylhines #robertkennedyjr #crypto #tv #watch #watching
Du coup, je partage ma nuit d'insomniaque entre mes TCD Excel , et maintenant #curbyourenthusiasm , que je me refais.
Voyez ça, ça vous fera du bien.
Nachdem Produzent Jon Hayman
letzte Woche angedeutet hatte, dass die HBO-Serie zu Ende gehen könnte, sagte der ausführende Produzent Jeff Schaffer nun dass dies nicht unbedingt der Fall sei und #CurbYourEnthusiasm doch weitergehen könnte.
Das klingt schon viel besser 😁
RT @Base4ever@twitter.com
Oh Nein 😱😱😱
Ich will nicht das #CurbYourEnthusiasm endet 😫
Aber 12 Staffel sind schon stark. Ich hoffe dann kommt noch ein tolles Bluray Set. Die muss zu Seinfeld ins Regal. https://twitter.com/DEADLINE/status/1640804715280896001
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/Base4ever/status/1640811721748094976
Oh Nein 😱😱😱
Ich will nicht das #CurbYourEnthusiasm endet 😫
Aber 12 Staffel sind schon stark. Ich hoffe dann kommt noch ein tolles Bluray Set. Die muss zu Seinfeld ins Regal.
RT @DEADLINE@twitter.com
‘Curb Your Enthusiasm’: Producer Jon Hayman Hints On Social Media That Show Will End After 12th Season http://dlvr.it/SldFw0
Die elfte Staffel #CurbYourEnthusiasm war wieder Comedy Gold! Für mich vielleicht sogar die beste Staffel der ganzen Serie! 👌🏻
Auf meiner Rangliste steht sie inzwischen auf einem Treppchen mit #Seinfeld und #Frasier!
Für alle die Seinfeld vermissen: Absolute Guckempfehlung!
#curbyourenthusiasm #seinfeld #frasier
I just watched Curb Your Enthusiasm 11x09 "Igor, Gregor, & Timor" https://trakt.tv/shows/curb-your-enthusiasm/seasons/11/episodes/9 #CurbYourEnthusiasm #trakt
RT @NPRItsBeenAMin: WATCH NOW: Keyla Monterroso Mejia joined host @bmluse in studio to talk about auditioning for #CurbYourEnthusiasm, work…
BarryPiatoff@c.im - Next Sunday is the Super Bowl and my wife will make her famous Super Bowl hamburger. This time she is adding pickles! I've warned her we should open the pickle jar ahead of time because I remember what happened on Curb Your Enthusiasm.
Curb Your Enthusiasm - Pickle Boy
#TV #television #entertainment #pickles #Comedy #CurbYourEnthusiasm
#tv #television #entertainment #pickles #comedy #curbyourenthusiasm
Ich muss mich so langsam auf das erneute Ende von #Seinfeld einstellen und habe mir deshalb endlich #curbyourenthusiasm mit und von #larrydavid komplett zugelegt. Pretty, pretty, pretty, pretty good. 😍
#seinfeld #curbyourenthusiasm #larrydavid #dvdcollection #tvshow #tvondvd #hbo
Finished all 11 seasons of #CurbYourEnthusiasm in under two weeks. Hope I don't come down with Nebbishitis.
Been watching #CurbYourEnthusiasm lately. This is pure gold! I don't know how I missed it until now
#introduction (kinda) part two
after some soul-searching I come up with some of my interests which tend to recur:
#Cooking preferably #Food that needs a lot of time, bubbling and simmering like ragout #Bolognese #Goulash (but I eat mostly vegetarian food so I make those rarely nowadays)
#Pickling #Sourdough #Bread #Fermentation.
#Sitcoms #Seinfeld #CurbYourEnthusiasm #TheGoodPlace #Community
#BritishTV #Taskmaster #FridayNightDinner #GhostsUK
#SciFi #Fantasy #DarkFantasy #GothicFiction
#Podcasts (since 2010 💪 mostly german ones)
#Music (of nearly every kind and era) #DieÄrzte #TheBeatles #Punk #Psychedelic
#WeirdStuff in general
#Buddism #Zen
#Religion only in theory, I'm an #Atheist
I will update this list if something else comes into my mind.
#introduction #cooking #food #bolognese #Goulash #pickling #sourdough #bread #fermentation #sitcoms #seinfeld #curbyourenthusiasm #thegoodplace #community #BritishTV #taskmaster #FridayNightDinner #ghostsuk #SciFi #fantasy #darkfantasy #GothicFiction #theneverendingstory #momo #podcasts #music #diearzte #thebeatles #punk #psychedelic #weirdstuff #intuitiveeating #buddism #zen #philosophy #mythology #religion #atheist
Curb Your Enthusiasm: Richard Lewis kehrt für Staffel 12 zurück #CurbYourEnthusiasm