84 years ago:
Salonwagen E 417
In a transport museum, the items on display begin to tell their stories. Most interesting is the history of the Pullman car. In the beginning, it served as transport for a princely family; then became the headquarters car for the military high command; and then, most adventurous of all, it ended u...
#SalonwagenE417 #CurdJürgens #Film
#salonwagene417 #curdjurgens #film
#Goldengirl (1979) - 6/10
Competent; uninvolving.
1️⃣ Cynical sports agent #JamesCoburn is contacted by neo-Nazi #CurdJürgens, who has engineered his adopted-daughter #SusanAnton to be the perfect athlete. Nosy reporter #RobertCulp starts asking awkward questions.
2️⃣ Edited-down cinema version of a 4-hour TV mini-series. The cuts are really obvious in the second half, when there are narrative jumps and story points that are inadequately explained.
#goldengirl #jamescoburn #curdjurgens #susananton #robertculp
“That girl is made to destroy men.”
Curd Jürgens in And God Created Woman
#andgodcreatedwoman #vadim #rogervadim #curdjurgens
#moviequotes #moviequoteoftheday
#andgodcreatedwoman #vadim #rogervadim #curdjurgens #moviequotes #moviequoteoftheday
80 years ago:
Frauen sind keine Engel (DE)
Frauen sind keine Engel" was made on a moderate budget and has generally found not as much attention as that which has been rightfully accorded to his 'Viennese trilogy' made at about the same time. Please don't expect the outward splendour of some other Forst films, even though script, acting and d...
#FrauensindkeineEngel #CurdJürgens #ClassicMovies
#frauensindkeineengel #curdjurgens #classicmovies
Dr. Bellows als ernsthafter Militär, was für ein Anblick. #IAimAtTheStars #IAimAtTheStarsButSometimesIHitLondon #IDreamOfJeannie #HaydenRorke #WernherVonBraun #CurdJürgens
#iaimatthestars #iaimatthestarsbutsometimesihitlondon #idreamofjeannie #haydenrorke #WernhervonBraun #curdjurgens
This Instance ate my toots so I'm watching some EuroSpy on YouTube instead.
#EuroSpy #GenreFilms #ItalianCinema
#RichardHarrison #GordonScott #RogerBrowne
#MagdaKonopka ##KarinDorr #RosalbaNeri
#CurdJürgens #KlausKinski #AdolfoCeli
#eurospy #genrefilms #italiancinema #richardharrison #gordonscott #rogerbrowne #magdakonopka #karindorr #rosalbaneri #curdjurgens #KlausKinski #adolfoceli
Film che rivedo sempre con grande piacere, una perla sottovalutata
"La locanda della sesta felicità" - Mark Robson, 1958
#cinema #lalocandadellasestafelicita #ingridbergman #curdjurgens #robertdonat #theinnofthesixthhappiness #thesmallwoman #littlemasterpiece
#cinema #lalocandadellasestafelicita #ingridbergman #curdjurgens #robertdonat #theinnofthesixthhappiness #thesmallwoman #littlemasterpiece