I've been intensely using Lion's Mane mushroom to regrow the nerves of my finger after nearly severing it in an accident. Happy to report 150% recovery of nerve function (actually have MORE fingertip sensitivity than before the accident). Even if you're not injured, you need to know this astonishing truth about Lion's Mane mushroom: #brain #healing #cures #naturalmedicine #nutrition
Lion’s Mane mushroom – Unparalleled benefits for your brain and nervous system
#brain #healing #cures #naturalmedicine #nutrition
5 Supplements for managing blood pressure
RT by @cupnacional: Ens veiem d'aquí una estona per parlar sobre #salut i #cures a #Cardedeu amb l'@Angelsondica. ⏩ #AnemMésEnllà https://nitter.net/blaitc/status/1660304763546632195#m #Bot
#bot #anemmesenlla #cardedeu #cures #salut
The best #cures are #naturalcures #pineneedles #herbs
#herbs #pineneedles #Naturalcures #cures
The best #cures are #naturalcures
#herbs #pineneedles #Naturalcures #cures
The best #cures are #naturalcures
#herbs #pineneedles #Naturalcures #cures
#Disabled people deserve #acceptance, #access, bodily #autonomy, & if desired, #cures. 15/
#disabled #acceptance #access #autonomy #cures
Homemade remedies for bronchitis
#cures #treatments #alternativemedicine
Igualment hauria arribat a avui havent-ho fet tot (o no), però ho hauria viscut, no patit.
Aquell discurs públic sobre les #cures, la #cooperació, del defensar la vida, del centrar-se en la persona, del #feminisme per canviar-ho tot és, en el pla més íntim, l'experiència de com afrontem cada setmana.
De com no hauríen de traduïr el temps en reptes a superar. De com els dilluns no hauríem de desitjar que fos divendres.
Bé, això és el que m'ha vingut al cap avui, #cafèenmà
#cures #cooperacio #feminisme #cafeenma
RT @igualtatcat: 🟣 #Igualtat és repartir-nos les #cures i la càrrega que suposen
🕘 Revaloritzem aquestes feines i impulsem el #dret de tothom a tenir #TempsPerViure
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/DianaRibaGiner/status/1619295769928044544
#igualtat #cures #DRET #TempsPerViure #NormalitatFeminista
New Yorker: What to Do When a Small Fish Bone Gets Stuck in the Back of Your Throat https://www.newyorker.com/humor/daily-shouts/what-to-do-when-a-small-fish-bone-gets-stuck-in-the-back-of-your-throat #NewYorker #Humor/DailyShouts #Satire #Cures #Bones #Humor #Fish #Food
#newyorker #humor #satire #cures #bones #fish #food
Kiss your digestive problems goodbye by drinking more beet kvass
8-8-8: un triangle androcèntric https://www.elcritic.cat/opinio/nuria-alcaraz/8-8-8-un-triangle-androcentric-133809 #Treballdomèstic #DossierCrític #Feminisme #treball #cures #Temps
#treballdomestic #dossiercritic #feminisme #treball #cures #temps
All #diseases have #cures... the problem is that we haven't #discovered them yet
Relieve anxiety with these 5 herbal supplements #remedies #cures #natural
Relieve anxiety with these 5 herbal supplements #remedies #cures #natural
🤔 La #TransformacióSocial et sembla un concepte difícil de comprendre?
🧐Et presentem el recull de pràctiques de l’#ESSTransformadora 2021-2022, amb un total de 33 iniciatives i projectes destacats pels cercles de Coòpolis:
🔗 https://www.bcn.coop/practiques-transformadores-2022/
Són iniciatives #ESSTransformadora pel seu impacte i per:
🔵 Les formes de #governança
🟣 La promoció d'un treball de #cures
🟢 L'impuls cap a la #TransicióEcosocial
🟠 L'empoderament de les #PersonesMigrants
#transformaciósocial #ESSTransformadora #governança #cures #transicióecosocial #PersonesMigrants
RT @drbixby@twitter.com
Woo! What kind of impact can a semester-long CURE in #genchemlab have on students? How does that compare to semester-long #CUREs in upper division labs? I’m excited to share our approach with the #chemed community.
Woo! What kind of impact can a semester-long CURE in #genchemlab have on students? How does that compare to semester-long #CUREs in upper division labs? I’m excited to share our approach with the #chemed community.
I also have lots of questions. Mainly, is it just me or are all the most impactful strategies incredibly onerous for instructors? Is that bc the structures in place in academia do not support them? Seems like we’re doing something wrong…
«#Metrodora’s Work on the #Diseases of #Women and their #Cures» de G. #Storti en #EstudiosBizantinos 6 (2018) http://publicacions.ub.edu/revistes/estudiosBizantinos06/default.asp?articulo=1505&modo=resumen También en https://academia.edu/42067769/Metrodoras_Work_on_the_Diseases_of_Women_and_Their_Cures
#medicinaEnBizancio #historiaDeLaMedicina
#metrodora #diseases #women #cures #storti #estudiosbizantinos #medicinaenbizancio #historiadelamedicina