so today we are off to Harefield Thursday Flea Market, for our second week. Its on the way to Uxbridge in Middlesex. And if the phone comes along this week (for, somehow, rather embarrassingly, it was left behind indoors last time) there shall be pictures, later....
#market #flea #antique #collectable #souvenir #memorabilia #vintage #ephemera #toys #models #badges #cards #cartophily #jewellery #transport #bric-a-brac #brocante #second-hand #curios #memories
#market #flea #antique #collectable #souvenir #memorabilia #vintage #ephemera #toys #models #badges #cards #cartophily #jewellery #transport #bric #brocante #second #curios #memories
Era #imaginacion e er #art non a cap de límit.
#imaginacion #art #Video #morphing #curiositat #curios #pintura
I do not want these things in my house but I'm grateful they exist.
#kingdome #porcelain #curios #misspiggy
#misspiggy #curios #porcelain #kingdome
If "#corporations are #people, too," wouldn't that mean no one can own them anymore?
#corporations #people #curios #uspolitics #usa
Is this app still alive?
#MastodonIsBetterThanTwitter #2023diary #curios #WinterClassic
#mastodonisbetterthantwitter #2023diary #curios #winterclassic
The headline curio in this auction is Lady Cust’s great auk egg - a unique specimen from the penguin-like flightless bird that went extinct in the mid-19th century. The lot is estimated to fetch between £45,000–£60,000 ($54,579–$72,772) #auctions #curios
Unearthed this small glass phial in the garden. Thought it would have contained a chemist's draught for some long-gone dyspeptic but further research shows it contained sewing machine oil. #curios #collectibles #sewing #trivia
#curios #collectibles #sewing #trivia
hello world 👋
My #Artwork and #RPG (called #SciFantaPunk) is under the name #WimKoenraad
My #Music is under the name #CircuitStatic
The #collection of my #creative #works is known as the #fictional #universe called the #Cosmality
I live in the 🇺🇸 and while English is my main language, I dabble in many others (fictional and non).
Other Interests:
#artwork #rpg #scifantapunk #wimkoenraad #music #circuitstatic #COLLECTION #creative #works #fictional #universe #cosmality #writing #gamedesign #gaming #technology #space #ai #photography #acting #movies #curios #introduction #toot
hello world 👋
I am known by many names:
My #Artwork and #RPG (called #SciFantaPunk) is under the name #WimKoenraad
My #Music is under the name #CircuitStatic
The #collection of my #creative #works is known as the #fictional #universe called the #Cosmality - only those who know me personally know my real name.
I live in the 🇺🇸 and while English is my main language, I dabble in many others (fictional and non). In addition to the above listed interests, I am also interested in:
#artwork #rpg #scifantapunk #wimkoenraad #music #circuitstatic #collection #creative #works #fictional #universe #cosmality #writing #gamedesign #gaming #technology #space #ai #photography #acting #movies #curios #introduction #toot
hello world 👋
My #Artwork and #RPG (called #SciFantaPunk) is under the name Wim Koenraad
My #Music is under the name Circuit Static
#collection of my #creative #works is the fictional #universe called the #Cosmality (
I live in the 🇺🇸 and while English is my main language, I dabble in many others (fictional and non)
Other Interests:
#Introduction #curios #Movies #Acting #Photography #AI #Space #Technology #Gaming #gamedesign #Writing #cosmality #universe #works #creative #collection #Music #scifantapunk #RPG #Artwork
Continuing a stroll through my "internet curios" bookmarks this weekend, I present:
The ultimate manhole covers site
Under the city's surface there is an underground city, a city that its only purpose is to serve the upper city. In this city there are miles of tunnels, sewerage pipelines, communications lines etc.
The manhole covers in this site are the bridge between the upper and lower city and come in various shapes, sizes, writing and graphics.
Continuing a stroll through my "internet curios" bookmarks this weekend, I present Project Slide Knight
Take a Scroll Through
Mid-Century Memories
Once a family's cherished memories. Forgotten. Discarded as trash in estate clearings.
I gather these forgotten snapshots, digitize them, and share them with you.
Slide into an amateur photographer's shoes from a different, simpler time, and experience what they wanted to capture and remember forever.
I make tunes as #Curios in the #IDM and #BrainDance genre using #Ableton and occassionally #Renoise. Influenced by those extrodinary artists from #Rephlex records. I've released on labels Nebulae Records, Artificial Intelligence, Sound Transmissions, mcm an a self-released album to bandcamp.
I help run a net-label #Gablonkers, casual but dear. I work on software for musicians like #BeepBuddy as I find the space for it.
#introduction #curios #idm #braindance #ableton #renoise #Rephlex #Gablonkers #BeepBuddy #electro #electronicmusic #dnb #acid #synthesizer #Cirklon