Many become frustrated trying to learn within the current educational box provided. If this is you I highly suggest trying learning in your own way... whether it be through visual/audio streaming like #curiositystream / #books to pick things you like and expand your horizons. As an ADHD individual I struggled hard in early years. Now as an autodidact I am finding myself with all kinds of new interests. Learning does not stop when you finish school... it continues as long as you make the effort.
📢 Ha llovido desde que escribà este post, pero os puede interesar si estáis deseando disfrutar de buenos #documentales 👀👇
👀 Aunque desde hace relativamente "poco", también podemos disfrutar de documentales gratuitos en los canales FAST que ofrecen algunas plataformas como #PlutoTV, #RakutenTV, #rlaxxTV o #Tivify 🤔
👉 Y por otro lado, tenemos la estrategia que ha optado la plataforma #CuriosityStream con ofrecer sus documentales en la plataforma gratuita #HerogoTV 😊👇
#documentales #plutotv #rakutentv #rlaxxtv #tivify #curiositystream #herogotv
I am watching a documentary about the 2012 #CostaConcordia cruise ship wreck on #CuriosityStream.
Cruise ships: not even once.
#costaconcordia #curiositystream
Me, I canceled my #curiositystream subscription when they showed themselves to be so intolerant.
Currently bingeing PhilosophyTube on #YouTube ( and will be sad when I run out of existing content.
Abigail Thorn is smart and funny and British and talks about subjects in philosophy that interest me. Also when she talks about stuff that I know something about, she gets it right (which is saying something!). And she's written a play, ffs.
(Perhaps superficially but also notably, she's also a great counterexample to whatever chud said the other week that trans women have to "accept that they'll never be good-looking" or whatever it was, because whoa! Also apparently has an excellent fashion sense and/or a great staff in that regard.)
She's also one of the #Nebula / #CuriosityStream content creators, which would be nice except I still can't figure out how to find content on those or how they are related to each other or exactly which I'm a member of, which is a pity!
#youtube #nebula #curiositystream
Mooie docu over Nefertiti op CuriosityStream. Het beeld heeft geleid tot een langdurig geschil tussen de Egyptische overheid en het museum. De Egyptenaren beschuldigen de Duitsers ervan het beeld onreglementair te hebben verkregen. De Duitsers willen het beeld echter niet uitlenen.
Volgens een Zwitserse kunsthistoricus betreft het beeld een namaak, gemaakt in het begin van de twintigste eeuw…….
#curiositystream #egyptweek #museum #egypt #nefertiti
#crackingthecode #nerdshit watch 'The Lost Civilization' on #CuriosityStream
#crackingthecode #nerdshit #curiositystream
@Techaltar after hearing about #curiositystream and #nebula from you for years, I decided to go for it finally. Since I don’t celebrate Christmas, this give me a good long weekend digging into content. Thanks dude! Happy holidays!
@Techaltar after hearing about #curiositystream and #nebula from you for years, I decided to go for it finally. Since I don’t celebrate Christmas, this give me a good long weekend digging into content. Thanks dude! Happy holidays!
A few days ago, I paid for a year of #CuriosityStream. Was $~12 for the year. Really worth it if you’re a nerd that likes documentaries.
Definitely think this is better than what I was doing. Which was watching live ESPN. Tons of ads(even during coverage), repeating the same story with slightly different perspective or context all day long, not really learning anything(not that you always need to be. Fun for fun is good too), tons of coverage on sports I didn’t really care about.
Many become frustrated trying to learn within the current educational box provided. If this is you I highly suggest trying learning in your own way... whether it be through visual/audio streaming like #curiositystream / #books to pick things you like and expand your horizons. As an ADHD individual I struggled hard in early years. Now as an autodidact I am finding myself with all kinds of new interests. Learning does not stop when you finish school... it continues as long as you make the effort.
Currently watching: Living Universe on #CuriosityStream I'm feeling pretty tiny right now.
Currently watching: Living Universe on #CuriosityStream I'm feeling pretty tiny right now.