That Chelsea Carey shot to put up a four in the extra end was 🔥🔥🔥🔥#curling ##SavilleShootout
(5+end) #magister #nostalgie
..briefjes te schrijven (van beide ouders). In mijn ogen zijn het levenslessen voor mijn #kids en als ik mij ermee bemoeit had, waren ze nooit zover gekomen als nu. Zij hebben geleerd om te gaan met dingen in de maatschappij. Ik was niet de #curling #coach noch de #veger voor hen, wel hun #supporter en ouder. Echt een héél groot verschil.
Kernvraag blijft: 'waarom wil je je eigen #kids volgen met een systeem?' Praat met hen en leer ze ermee om te gaan. 🙄
#supporter #veger #coach #curling #kids #nostalgie #magister
(2) #magister #nostalgie
Een leuk begrip in de reacties, dat ik niet kende, is #curling door ouders. 'Curling ouders willen de weg vrijmaken in het leven van hun kind(eren) op dezelfde manier als de spelers op een curlingbaan. Ze vegen het spoor vóór de stenen. Curling ouders willen dat de kinderen zich goed en veilig voelen en doen veel moeite om dit voor de kinderen te regelen.'
Was ikzelf een #curling ouder omdat ik zowel in de #ouderraad zat als in de #mr? ..(3)
#mr #ouderraad #curling #nostalgie #magister
Finished my Curling Canada Ice Technician training today. I’m now trained to do the things, so a few more steps (written exam, on ice evaluation at my club) and it will be fully certified at the club level. Yay! It was fascinating. I learned so much about ice and rocks. #curling
Watching the Stu Sells Oakville Tankard and getting myself pumped for the upcoming #curling season!
For those of you who started following me during the summer and have no idea what I'm talking about, watch this:
Two big #curling events this weekend being streamed by CurlingZone! The Stu Sells Oakville Tankard in Ontario, and the Saville Shootout in Alberta. Some games have production, and some even have commentators. Main page for all CurlingZone streams:
36 to 39 degrees today and tomorrow with the humidity. Where will I be? Installing curling ice and very pleased to be inside. #curling
Die #Curling-Saison beginnt dieses Wochenende in #Düsseldorf!
Wenn du im #Ruhrgebiet wohnst und noch nie gecurlt hast, komm zum Schnuppern! Mehr Infos hier:
The #curling season starts in #Düsseldorf this weekend!
If you live in the #Ruhrgebiet and have never curled before, come take a lesson! More info here:
#ruhrgebiet #dusseldorf #curling
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Attention Vitter and Enikk- Cappers Challenge
TheGx Forum🍻
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From Kenya #Curling Federation:
Calling all curling folks, particularly ones with dedicated facilities: our club needs extensive renovation and upgrades. I’m looking to speak with folks who have done work on their building envelopes, ceilings above ice surface, accessibility upgrades, and ice surface upgrades (esp if you have gone from sand to solid base) Know anyone I could chat with? #curling #retrofit
#TheGx #TheGxForum #TheGxSportsForum #TheGxSportsBettingForum #TheGamblersCrossroads #TheGxSportsGamblingForum #TheGxTheGamblersCrossroads #TheGxBestBetOThaDay #JoinIn #chat #chats #toot #toots #Sport #nhl #sports #hockey #betting #gambling #nfl #football #nba #basketball #mlb #baseball #soccer #premierleague #esport #esports #phelps123 #tennis #cricket #curling #rugby #ncaa #boxing #cfl #mma #ufc #nascar #mls #golf #pga #atp #uefa #epl #racing #f1 #grandprix #championsleague #賭仔三岔口 #新聞 #籃球 #足球 #體育新聞 #新闻 #篮球 #体育 #賭博 #冰球 #欖球 #榄球 #棒球 #打拳 #高爾夫球 #網球 #FADEbrandonlang #FADE #brandonlang #lang #brandonlangsucks #langed #StLouisCardinals #SaintLouisCardinals #cardinals #stlcards #stlcardinals
Tribute To The "REAL" Fade brandon lang🤡 Thread
TheGx FADE jtroller aka brandon lang and vitterd aka kingmoments3220 Forum🙂
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Had a lot of fun at the #mankato #curling club #golf “tournament” yesterday. The event affirmed what I have observed about the curling community: it’s the fun kind of competitive, but also a no judgment zone. It was a great way to spend a late summer day, make new people connections, and copiously laugh. I’m looking forward to the new season in less than 3 months!
#curling is back!
(there were events in Japan and Europe last week but it's harder for me to follow those because of time zones)
Ageless Glenn Howard.