So, the #currawongs and #butcherbirds awoke before the #NoisyMiners this morning. Hopefully this is the beginning of a trend.
#currawongs #butcherbirds #noisyminers
@tecoholic Yes they're wonderful; sorry if you missed out on seeing them.
Depending on season, & rain/drought status extant at the time, i'm fortunate to get them, #corellas, #rosellas, #kookaburras, #magpies, #currawongs around my place / in my area. They're fab, always make me smile, & lift my spirits.
Second coffee, so the world is wonderful... for another few minutes.
#corellas #rosellas #kookaburras #magpies #currawongs
@equal I live the sound of them but I do think of them as wolves of the air given they hunt in packs. #currawongs
I feel like #currawongs are guardians of some kind. I don’t know where this feeling comes from but I have my suspicions. They announce the coming night and for some reason they really like doing so near my apartment in particular, which I appreciate. Its a new building. It’s not as if I feed them or anything wildly inappropriate like that but I come out to say hello. They don’t seem to mind as long as I don’t get within say 5m. I have no western scientific explanation for it. It’s wonderful.