I finally finished my #currentbook ‘Ulysses’, by James Joyce. Similar in experimental nature to the previously discussed “Circes” episode, the “Penelope” episode is rather wild deep dive into the consciousness of protagonist Leopold Bloom’s wife, Molly. While “Circes” deviates from common narrative form by structured as a play, “Penelope” presents itself as a wall of text with gigantic paragraphs.
Reading “Penelope” certainly made me remember how Joyce’s contemporaries praised ‘Ulysses’ (1/2).
Regarding efforts made at my #currentbook
I’ve finally made it through Episode 15 of James Joyce’s Ulysses, the ‘Circes’ episode. I remembered this being a very very long episode, but I didn’t remember it being a seven act play within a novel. It’s *wild* what goes on, especially involving the protagonist Leopold Bloom shifting roles (ie accused of treason, King of Ireland, doctor, etc) so fluidly. This is certainly the section where steam of consciousness and experiment form are bumped to 11.
Time to dig in to this ARC. I haven't read a book of this fellas. #ARC #Books #MyTinyLibrary #currentbook #reading #iAmReading #RickMofina #EverythingSheFeared #MiraPublishing #Mira
#arc #Books #mytinylibrary #currentbook #reading #iamreading #rickmofina #everythingshefeared #mirapublishing #mira
So I was able to find old college essays regarding my #currentbook Ulysses by James Joyce. First off, ooof.
Second, and more interesting, is that I talked about how problematic the men were from not only Ulysses, but also Gabriel Conroy from “The Dead” and Stephen Dedalus from Portrait. Interesting for me to have note how the problematic and nuanced nature of each character depended on the complexity of the overall work.
Future #currentbook titles for 2023, hopefully:
• In Transit, by Dianna E. Anderson
• A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man, by James Joyce
• Swann’s Way (ISLT Vol. 1), by Marcel Proust
• Too Like the Lightning (Terre Ignota Bk. 1), by Ada Palmer
• The Plague, by Albert Camus
Any other suggestions?
So I should probably say something about the #currentbook for sake of posterity…
I’m rereading (via audiobook) James Joyce’s Ulysses and am making a decent attempt (nearing Chapter 11). This has been the book that I would try to read but then set it down for long stretches of time. I was fortunate to take a class in college years back that compelled me to read this monster in full, as well as write about it extensively. I’m undertaking this task for sake of looking at how places are cataloged.
Last night I finished reading the #CurrentBook. It was The Man Who Died Twice by #RichardOsman. Very good though I wouldn't want a risk-taker like Elizabeth in my life. Also, I'm about Joyce's level, which is a bit of a facer. #WhatAreYouReading #BooksOfMastodon #Books
Anyway, now I get to visit my #TBR pile.
#currentbook #richardosman #whatareyoureading #booksofmastodon #Books #tbr