NakjiKiss3 · @NakjiKiss3
68 followers · 1150 posts · Server

When I lived in Japan, Japanese instant curry was to me what 'Top Ramen' was to me back in my college years: cheap, nutritionally-questionable food you'd make for yourself during those times when you didn't want to think properly about what goes into your body. 😅

After 8 years of not having it, it tastes like the most delicious thing in the world! ☺️ Thank you Ayano for the Vermont Curry roux!

#JapaneseFood #omiyage #currytalk

Last updated 1 year ago

Quokka · @Quokka
1056 followers · 1677 posts · Server

@LifeTimeCooking I keep meaning to get some ghee and see how i go with that.
Dairy-wise probably most I'll do is some yoghurt in a biryani or for tikka-ing.
Milk, butter and cream aren't for me. So I'm on dodgy ground when I mock those super-tasters who can't do coriander.

#coriander #currytalk

Last updated 1 year ago