Does the bloke who narrates #CurseOfOakIsland voice every advert for every SkyHistory / Descovery / Blaze Channel and Riobi electric products … ?
@nasapics_bot only surprised the Laguna Brothers haven't hired this for #curseofoakisland
Watching the #CurseOfOakIsland again. This is some amazing mass delusion among a group of people. They seem to be enjoying themselves. I'm here for it.
Great to see Miriam back on #curseofoakisland a very welcome break from the sausage fest.
Ahh bugger I’m watching #curseofoakisland again. I know if they find anything it’d be all over the news. So clearly they haven’t and yet I’m still watching it 😭
TV TONIGHT (April 11)
#WeakestLink #TheWall #FBITrue #NeighborhoodWars #RoadWars #AmIBeingUnreasonable #RestaurantsAtTheEndOfTheWorld #911LoneStar #SupermanAndLois #Chopped #DeadliestCatch #RHONJ #MurderInMyHouse #CurseOfOakIsland #SuperTurboStoryTime
#superturbostorytime #curseofoakisland #murderinmyhouse #RHONJ #deadliestcatch #Chopped #SupermanAndLois #911LoneStar #restaurantsattheendoftheworld #amibeingunreasonable #roadwars #neighborhoodwars #fbitrue #thewall #weakestlink
Hmm. If the Lagina brothers were ever to find a cache of Knights Templar gold (spoiler alert: they won't!), they'd soon be receiving a demand from Zelensky that they send the treasure to Ukraine!
I’m watching #curseofoakisland again. I know I shouldn’t. If they find anything it would be in the news
TV TONIGHT (April 4)
#FBICrossover #FBICBS #MoNique #RedefinedJRSmith #PeoplePuzzler #NightCourt #911LoneStar #SupermanAndLois #HomesteadRescue #WWENXT #NBA #Catfish #CurseOfOakIsland #Renovation911 #RHONJ #ReturnToAmish #LifeBelowZero #IndictmentWatch
#indictmentwatch #lifebelowzero #returntoamish #RHONJ #renovation911 #curseofoakisland #catfish #nba #WWENXT #homesteadrescue #SupermanAndLois #911LoneStar #nightcourt #peoplepuzzler #redefinedjrsmith #monique #FBIcbs #fbicrossover
TV TONIGHT (March 28)
#HIMYF #Renovation911 #MurderInMyHouse #MurderAndBasketball #HistorysGreatestHeists #MaeMartinSAP #911LoneStar #SupermanAndLois #WillTrent #NightCourt #Catfish #CurseOfOakIsland #RHONJ #Chopped #ReturnToAmish #IconsUnearthed
#iconsunearthed #returntoamish #Chopped #RHONJ #curseofoakisland #catfish #nightcourt #willtrent #SupermanAndLois #911LoneStar #maemartinsap #historysgreatestheists #murderandbasketball #murderinmyhouse #renovation911 #HIMYF
TV TONIGHT (March 14)
#SupermanAndLois #GothamKnights #ReturnToAmish #TheOvalOnBET #VoicesRising #TheBachelor #NightCourt #911LoneStar #WWENXT #NCAATournament #HomesteadRescue #FixerToFabulous #CurseOfOakIsland #SuperTurboStoryTime #FBIInternational
#fbiinternational #superturbostorytime #curseofoakisland #fixertofabulous #homesteadrescue #NCAATournament #WWENXT #911LoneStar #nightcourt #thebachelor #voicesrising #theovalonbet #returntoamish #GothamKnights #SupermanAndLois
So apart from seeing Miriam #curseofoakisland season 10 episode 11 was a waste of time. Nothing, nothing, nothing. Why not make the bloody show when they actually find something. Also the crows foot carved into the rock is clearly UK Govt.
Great to see Miriam back on #curseofoakisland #thecurseofoakisland
#curseofoakisland #thecurseofoakisland
TV TONIGHT (March 7)
#ThatsMyJam #IconsUnearthed #TheWinchesters #FindingYourRoots #LoveTripParis #BloodAndMoney #WhoKilledRobertWone #HistoryOfTheWorldPart2 #911LoneStar #RHONJ #CurseOfOakIsland #Catfish #HomesteadRescue #1000LbSisters #CarIssues #NBA
#nba #carissues #1000lbSisters #homesteadrescue #catfish #curseofoakisland #RHONJ #911LoneStar #historyoftheworldpart2 #whokilledrobertwone #bloodandmoney #lovetripparis #FindingYourRoots #TheWinchesters #iconsunearthed #thatsmyjam
TV TONIGHT (February 21)
#Physical100 #TeenMomFamilyReunion #FightThePowerPBS #NightCourt #TheRookie #FBICBS #TheWinchesters #WWENXT #911LoneStar #TheOval #RHONJ #FixerToFabulous #CurseOfOakIsland #LoveTripParis #IAmJazz #7ToughestDays #AmericanGreed
#AmericanGreed #7toughestdays #iamjazz #lovetripparis #curseofoakisland #fixertofabulous #RHONJ #theoval #911LoneStar #WWENXT #TheWinchesters #FBIcbs #therookie #nightcourt #fightthepowerpbs #teenmomfamilyreunion #physical100
TV TONIGHT (February 14)
#PlanetSex #PerfectMatch #InLoveAllOverAgain #Trolley #LoveTripParis #HeartbreakIsland #InsideTheNFL #Physical100 #TheRookie #FBICBS #FindingYourRoots #Chopped #911LoneStar #LaBrea #CurseOfOakIsland #FixerToFabulous #IAmJazz
#iamjazz #fixertofabulous #curseofoakisland #labrea #911LoneStar #Chopped #FindingYourRoots #FBIcbs #therookie #physical100 #insidethenfl #heartbreakisland #lovetripparis #trolley #inlovealloveragain #perfectmatch #planetsex
New series of #TheCurseOfOakIsland #CurseOfOakIsland is back on tonight. Not sure I can muster the interest in investing time watching it. They don’t seem to find anything. The last 3 series have been poor.
#curseofoakisland #thecurseofoakisland
TV TONIGHT (January 24)
#HIMYF #911LoneStar #AccusedOnFOX #AmericanAuto #CustomerWars #BodyCam #Physical100 #TheRookie #NightCourt #WWENXT #BeringSeaGold #ChefDynasty #TheOval #FBIMostWanted #CurseOfOakIsland #IAmJazz #REALSports #FixerToFabulous
#fixertofabulous #RealSports #iamjazz #curseofoakisland #FBIMostWanted #theoval #chefdynasty #beringseagold #WWENXT #nightcourt #therookie #physical100 #bodycam #customerwars #AmericanAuto #accusedonfox #911LoneStar #HIMYF
TV TONIGHT (January 17)
#NewAmsterdam #NightCourt #TheResident #IAmJazz #1000LbSisters #NeighborhoodWars #TheRookie #BeringSeaGold #WWENXT #Chopped #TheOval #CurseOfOakIsland #BelowDeckAdventure #PortProtection #NBA #CollegeBasketball #AusOpen
#ausopen #collegebasketball #nba #portprotection #belowdeckadventure #curseofoakisland #theoval #Chopped #WWENXT #beringseagold #therookie #neighborhoodwars #1000lbSisters #iamjazz #TheResident #nightcourt #newamsterdam