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Opening a Curta — With Great Care - We’ve always admired Curta mechanical calculators, and would be very hesitant to d... - #mechanicalcalculator #handheldshacks #toolhacks #teardown #curta
#curta #teardown #toolhacks #handheldshacks #mechanicalcalculator
*Gorete Canivete* mora em um bairro do centro de Teresina, no Piauí, e por lá é conhecida como a "Rainha do Mercado do Mafuá", local onde trabalha.
A drag queen , como prefere ser entendida, faz a alegria da noite teresinense e já se tornou lenda no capital nordestina.
A personagem teve sua história contada no premiado #curta "Gorete Canivete", dirigido pelo jornalista Rivanildo Feitosa.
#curta #cinema #audiovisual #queer
Onnistuisko videon lähetys? Äsken ei onnistunut. Uusi yritys? :blobcatpeekaboo: #steampunk #curta
A thing that's new to me, even though it's been around since 1947 is the #Curta.
It's some sort of manual calculator much like a slide rule and was invented in #Liechtenstein.
These can be seen at the media and computer museum in #Switzerland.
#curta #liechtenstein #switzerland #retrocomputing
@thomasweibel @Hitsch
Das Schöne bei meinen beiden #Curta ist, dass sie vor allem auch noch ihre originalen schwarzen Dosen haben. Es sind also nicht nur die Geräte selbst, sondern auch die zugehörigen Behälter.
Auch wenn ihr Verkaufswert vielleicht mittlerweile einige Tausender sind (habe lange nicht mehr geschaut), sind sie für mich unschätzbar. 👍
Wenn man ihre Entstehungszeit anschaut, dann ist das ein genialer “Taschenrechner”. 🤣
«Ein dauerhafter, schnell rechnender Mitarbeiter für alle vier Rechnungsarten in der Rocktasche» versprach die Verkaufsbroschüre: Die #Curta, der kleinste mechanische Taschenrechner der Welt, war made in Liechtenstein.
Em tempos de #SemAnistia e #AnistiaÉOCaralho vale lembrar Dorival, interpretado pelo saudoso João Acaiabe: "Milico e merda pra mim é a mesma coisa!"
O dia em que Dorival encarou a guarda, 1986, direção de José Pedro Goulart e Jorge Furtado - 13 minutos
* Contém violência, racismo e homofobia
#cineursal #curta #semanistia #anistiaeocaralho
Not to brag but I’ve successfully taken apart my Curta Model II, hand made a new tens bell retaining ring, reassembled the whole thing. Now one of the most beautiful computers ever made lives again! #curta #RetroComputing
fiz uma listinha #curta no #letterboxd de #curtas de #animação disponíveis online (os que são gratuitos deixei o link fácil nas observações)
#curta #letterboxd #curtas #animacao #cinema
The #Curta is a mechanical calculator designed by the Austrian Curt Herztark. Curtas were regarded as the best portable #calculators before the invention of electronic calculators in the 1970s. Herzstark had finalized the design in 1938 but was unable to build it due to the Nazi invasion of Austria. In 1943, the Nazis arrested him and sent him to #Buchenwald Concentration camp where he was categorized as an “intelligence slave”. He redrew the entire design from memory after the war.
#curta #calculators #buchenwald #holocaust
La #Curta est une #calculatrice #mecanique produite entre 1948 et 1972 par Contina AG Mauren au #Liechtenstein . Elle est composée d'un corps cylindrique et d'une petite manivelle la faisant ressembler à un moulin à poivre ou à café.
Cette petite machine permet d'effectuer les quatre opérations arithmétiques et, après apprentissage, les racines carrées. Les calculatrices électroniques l'ont reléguée au rayon des pièces de collection.
#curta #calculatrice #mecanique #liechtenstein #calcul #belobjet #chiffrement
La #Curta est une petite #calculatrice #mécanique produite entre 1948 et 1972 par Contina AG Mauren au #Liechtenstein . Elle est composée d'un corps cylindrique et d'une petite manivelle la faisant ressembler à un moulin à poivre ou à café.
#curta #calculatrice #mécanique #liechtenstein #chiffrement #belobjet
Atlas Obscura on a very nice museum. The Museum ENTER in Switzerland features early radios, calculators, computers and even the Curta.
#AtlasObscura #Museums #Switzerland #Computers #Calculators #Radios #MechanicalCalculators #Curta #History #Technology #Engineering
#engineering #atlasobscura #museums #switzerland #computers #calculators #radios #mechanicalcalculators #curta #history #technology