The eponymously titled "Curtis" released in September 1970. #CurtisMayfield #Curtis
The british filmmaker #Adam #curtis made a mvie for the #BBC called #Hypernormalization. Thats how he coined the name for the state we are in, he refers it to the soviet republic in the years right before its collapse.
Highly recommend, especially if you feel similar
#hypernormalization #bbc #curtis #adam
We all agree that Tom and Curtis are the most perfect couple on How I Met Your Mother. #HIMYM #HowIMetYourMother #Tom #JaiRodriguez #Curtis #RogerBart
#himym #howimetyourmother #tom #jairodriguez #curtis #rogerbart
We all know Curtis and Eddie are the OTP on Zoey's Extraordinary Playlist. #ZoeysExtraordinaryPlaylist #ZoeysPlaylist #ZEP #Curtis #DenzelBrooks #Eddie #PatrickOrtiz
#zoeysextraordinaryplaylist #zoeysplaylist #zep #curtis #denzelbrooks #eddie #patrickortiz
We just need Brad and Curtis from How I Met Your Mother to smooch. #HIMYM #HowIMetYourMother #Brad #JoeManganiello #Curtis #RogerBart
#himym #howimetyourmother #brad #joemanganiello #curtis #rogerbart
The Warden and Curtis from Voltron is the sweetest ship. Obviously. 😋😋😋😋😋😋😋😋 #Voltron #VLD #TheWarden #FredTatasciore #Curtis #BlakeMichael
#voltron #vld #thewarden #fredtatasciore #curtis #blakemichael
The whole fam just wants Punchy and Curtis from How I Met Your Mother to flirt with each other. #HIMYM #HowIMetYourMother #Punchy #ChrisRomano #Curtis #RogerBart
#himym #howimetyourmother #punchy #chrisromano #curtis #rogerbart
Pilot Station Search Turns Up One Dead and Another Suffering from Hypothermia Wednesday
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At 7:43 pm on Wednesday evening Alaska State Troopers in St Marys were notified by the Pilot station Village Police Officer that two brothers, David Francis, 35, and Curtis Francis, 43, had departed from the village the night before and never returned....
#curtis #david #francis #death #hypothermia #pilot station #investigation #alaska
#curtis #david #francis #death #hypothermia #pilot #investigation #alaska
Alex Trebek and Curtis from How I Met Your Mother - kiss when, amirite amigos? #HIMYM #HowIMetYourMother #AlexTrebek #Curtis #RogerBart
#himym #howimetyourmother #alextrebek #curtis #rogerbart
Jezebel: Sex. Celebrity. Politics. With Teeth: Jamie Lee Curtis Wins SAG Award: 'I'm 64 Years Old and This Is Just Amazing' #Jezebel #americanpeopleofgermandescent #thescreenactorsguildawards #entertainment2cculture #jamieleecurtis #humaninterest #michelleyeoh #tonycurtis #janetleigh #nepobaby #curtis #actors #kelly
#jezebel #americanpeopleofgermandescent #thescreenactorsguildawards #entertainment2cculture #jamieleecurtis #humaninterest #michelleyeoh #tonycurtis #janetleigh #NepoBaby #curtis #actors #kelly
Mistodon: happy #BlackHistoryMonth! Today we're exploring the musical side of their rich cultural history. This is a #fusionbead #pixelart adaptation of #CurtisMayfield's debut 1970 album, #Curtis, made by Smorltork. It was included in the music-themed MIST0121 artpack collection released two years ago.
#blackhistorymonth #fusionbead #pixelart #curtismayfield #curtis
Jamie Lee Curtis zegt dat een vervolg op Freaky Friday gaat gebeuren
Het lijkt erop dat het vervolg op 'Freaky Friday' bijna goedkeuring krijgt - als dat nog niet is gebeurd. Hoewel een reünie van Jamie Lee Curtis en Lindsay Lohan niet officieel is aangekondigd, bood Curtis een suggestie aan tijdens ons gesprek op de Producers Guild Awards zate
#Film #Nieuws #Curtis #film #freakyfriday #Jamie #jamieleecurtis #lee #sequel
#film #nieuws #curtis #freakyfriday #jamie #jamieleecurtis #lee #sequel
#CurtisMayfield addressed the same cultural and political issues Marvin covered on 'What's Going On' but two years earlier on his debut solo #album #Curtis Always with ❤️, positivity, respect, and the sweetest falsetto voice that grabs your heart and your mind.
#soulwisdom #SoulJazzRecords #funkonvinyl #funk #vinyl #vinylrecords #vinylcollection #vinylcommunity #nowplaying #recordcollecting #records #music #recordsinmylife #album #albums @vinylrecords @Great_Albums @Vinyl @TheVinylApe @digits
#curtismayfield #album #curtis #soulwisdom #souljazzrecords #funkonvinyl #funk #vinyl #vinylrecords #vinylcollection #vinylcommunity #nowplaying #recordcollecting #records #music #recordsinmylife #albums
Am 29. Januar 1907, heute vor 116 Jahren, wurde Charles Curtis der erste indianischstämmige US-Senator.
Curtis, dessen Mutter dem Volk der Kansa angehörte, gewann im Januar 1907 die Wahl zum US-Senat, dem er mit zwei Jahren Unterbrechung bis 1929 angehörte.
Danach war der Republikaner unter Präsident Herbert Hoover Vizepräsident, auch dieses Amt hatte er als erster Indigener inne.
#geschichte #historisch #heutevor #geschichtetoday #charlescurtis #curtis #indianer #indigene #kansa #kansas #usa
#usa #kansas #kansa #indigene #indianer #curtis #charlescurtis #geschichtetoday #heutevor #historisch #geschichte
Art Blakey and the Jazz Messengers - Free for All (1964)
Amazon Music
Apple Music
YouTube Music
#Jazz #JazzMusic #Vinyl #drums #percussion #SmallEnsemble #Music #Legend #ArtBlakey #FreddieHubbard #WayneShorter #Curtis Fuller #CedarWalton #ReggieWorkman
#jazzalbumoftheweek #jazz #jazzmusic #vinyl #drums #percussion #smallensemble #music #legend #artblakey #freddiehubbard #wayneshorter #curtis #cedarwalton #reggieworkman
#OTD Un anno senza il leggendario Sidney #Poitier. Qui nel mio preferito con lui, "The Defiant Ones" (il titolo italiano è troppo cretino, mi rifiuto) in coppia col grande Tony #Curtis, diretti da Stanley #Kramer.
#cinema #sidneypoitier #thedefiantones #legend #onthisday
#otd #Poitier #curtis #Kramer #cinema #SidneyPoitier #thedefiantones #legend #onthisday
Oltre ai favolosi Tony #Curtis e Jack #Lemmon, la loro corsa sui tacchi vale l'intero film
#aqualcunopiacecaldo #somelikeithot #tonycurtis #jacklemmon #cinema
#curtis #lemmon #aqualcunopiacecaldo #somelikeithot #tonycurtis #jacklemmon #cinema
Great Albums - 1970s: #CurtisMayfield – #Curtis (1970). Mayfield’s smooth attack never dulls the edge of his political stance against racism and injustice in Nixon’s America. Strings and horns sweeten the arrangements as Mayfield sings his truth on “If There’s a Hell Below” and “We the People Who Are Darker Than Blue.” There’s time to dance, too, on groovy gems like “Move on Up.” Inspiration for the deep 70s soul of Gaye and Wonder.
#GreatAlbums1970s, #MastodonMusic, #Albums, #Vinyl, #Soul
#soul #vinyl #albums #MastodonMusic #greatalbums1970s #curtis #curtismayfield