Jezebel: Sex. Celebrity. Politics. With Teeth: Emily Ratajkowski 'Feels Bad' for Olivia Wilde #Jezebel #americanpeopleofgermandescent #dancingwiththestars #emilyratajkowski #americanwriters #laconfidential #shannendoherty #humaninterest #nbcuniversal #curtishanson #petedavidson #matthewperry #oliviawilde #kimbasinger #keanureeves #jamesellroy #harrystyles #lengoodman #jeffshell #theoscar #writers #actors
#jezebel #americanpeopleofgermandescent #dancingwiththestars #emilyratajkowski #americanwriters #laconfidential #shannendoherty #humaninterest #nbcuniversal #curtishanson #petedavidson #matthewperry #oliviawilde #kimbasinger #keanureeves #jamesellroy #harrystyles #lengoodman #jeffshell #theoscar #writers #actors
Remembering Curtis Lee Hanson (1945-2016), the Oscar-winning film / television director, screenwriter and producer, born in Nevada #OnThisDay. His writing credits included #TheDunwichHorror (1970), and Sam Fuller's exceptional #WhiteDog (1982), while his directorial career spanned from disturbing Corman-produced psychodrama #SweetKill (1973) to excellent neo-noirs #TheBedroomWindow (1987) and #LAConfidential (1997).
#OnThisDay #thedunwichhorror #whitedog #sweetkill #thebedroomwindow #laconfidential #curtishanson #screenwriter #noir #neonoir
Watching L.A. Confidential - 1997
#LAConfidential #film #movie #russellcrowe #guypearce #kimbasinger #kevinspacey #jamescromwell #dannydevito #curtishanson
#laconfidential #film #movie #russellcrowe #guypearce #kimbasinger #kevinspacey #jamescromwell #dannydevito #curtishanson
Watching L.A. Confidential - 1997
#LAConfidential #film #movie #russellcrowe #guypearce #kimbasinger #kevinspacey #jamescromwell #dannydevito #curtishanson
#laconfidential #film #movie #russellcrowe #guypearce #kimbasinger #kevinspacey #jamescromwell #dannydevito #curtishanson