Happy Saturday! Work some and relax some on this beautiful Texas day.
Do you have a Momma with a Potty Mouth?
#Cussing #MothersDay #MomsDay #Gifts #FediGiftShop #Trendy #Women #Cute #Sarcastic #Sarcasm
#cussing #mothersday #momsday #gifts #fedigiftshop #trendy #women #cute #sarcastic #sarcasm
Should my cussing be under a CW?
Here's my guide:
Direction: is it targeted at someone you care about?
Quantity: do you usually do it this much irl?
Reason: is it for others?
Importance: are you speaking your mind on something important?
If it's targeted at someone you care about, even a little bit, then that's a CW
If it's more than you would usually do, that's a CW
If it's just ranting and not really about other people, that's a CW
If it's not very important and you're just ranting, that's a CW (wiggle room here)
People swear in real life, people swear online. If you were talking to your friend then would it require measuring their mood before saying it? If it requires some form of measurement in that respect then CW.
We're friends here, we cuss, but we respect others. Treat your toots like you're talking to good friends.
If you have any tips to improve this then please let me know and maybe we can make a near definitive guide on swearing vs CWs
#cw #guide #cussing #swearing #respect
It's kind of funny to me how (for the most part) I'm pretty clean online. Especially here on Mastodon.
But in real life, I tend to cuss/swear/whatever else quite a bit. It's more free flowing, let's say. I work a little blue, alright?
I don't know why that is.
#Swearing #Cussing #Cursing #BadWords #ImAFake #ItsAllAFacade
#swearing #cussing #cursing #badwords #imafake #itsallafacade
Randy Feltface isn't on Mastodon, as far as I can see, so I brought him here to make you laugh.
Definitely one of the highlights of last year was discovering this hilarious purple alien, with a quick wit and some of the best crowd work I have ever seen.
#RandyFeltface #Comedy #Whimsy #Daft #StandUp #Muppet #OKNotAMuppet #Silly #Wooo #Wooooooooo #Hilarous #Cussing #Aussie #Australian
#randyfeltface #comedy #whimsy #daft #standup #muppet #oknotamuppet #silly #wooo #wooooooooo #hilarous #cussing #aussie #australian
Cursing/Cussing-Alutiiq Word of the Week-January 8th
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Cursing / Cussing — Qanerluni, Qan’rluni
Katallrianga kesiin qanernilngua! (N), Katallrianga kesiin qan'rnilngua! (S) – I fell but I didn't cuss!
Swearing is universal. Whether expressing anger, insult, shock, pain, or even pleasure, people worldwide have a tendency to use colorful terms. Profanity is popular, and it...
#cursing #cussing #alutiiq #museum #word of the week
#cursing #cussing #alutiiq #museum #word
Run Two Tin
June 8, 2021
two dogs
well befriended
on same run-line
small and large
relaxed, in charge
hours later, straight to fail
cannot be disambiguated
chimera mix
now well affixed
twixt compost tails
and macrame
run run run
stuck stuck stuck
now happy nap-time
* * *
“FUCK EPIC GAMES STORE,” declares Google's listing for Steam - http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/RockPaperShotgun/~3/6jCZJ6pC13o/ #EpicGamesStore #PCGameNews #cussing #Google #Steam
#epicgamesstore #pcgamenews #cussing #google #steam