If you're in a custody dispute, ALWAYS go to court. Don't skip it like I did because I was depressed. If I had gone all those years ago, could things have been different? Maybe I'd still be paying the exorbitant amount I pay anyway. I'm in Arizona, and I think they favor moms. My ex wife refused 50/50 custody (that I wanted) and claimed all kinds of false expenses somehow. So my child support has been almost $700 for ONE CHILD for ~10 years.
It's been killing me financially. It ends in a year and a half. I'm glad my kid has been taken care of financially, I know at least SOME of that money goes to him. Lately, she (rightfully) gives a LITTLE of it back if I take him for a couple weeks. But I'm just excited that in a year and a half, NO MORE of my money, even a cent, will potentially go to HER.
I'm not sure I've ever looked forward to anything more in my life.
#ChildSupport #Custody #CustodyDisputes #CustodyBattles #childcare #parenting #Arizona #AZ #liars
#childsupport #custody #custodydisputes #custodybattles #childcare #parenting #arizona #az #liars