There we are, right in the top-right corner - As the customers' choice for Cloud WAAP 2023. 🎉 🙌
What makes it even special is that we are the only Vendor with 100% recommendation for three consecutive years - Gartner® Peer Insights™ Voice of Customer. 🗣️ 🔊
We have received this recognition after performing positively on various aspects like - product capabilities, sales experience, deployment experience & support experience.
Overall, this reaffirms our reputation in the global WAAP market and proves that we are a customer-first company. 🥳
We thank everyone who was a part of our journey and look forward to achieving many more milestones on the way ahead.
(Gartner WAAP report:
#gartnermagicquadrant #gartnervoc2023 #customerreviews #gartner2023 #waap #apiprotection #peerinsights #customerschoice #firewall #apis #webapplications #apptrana #indusface
#gartnermagicquadrant #gartnervoc2023 #customerReviews #gartner2023 #waap #apiprotection #peerinsights #customerschoice #firewall #apis #webapplications #apptrana #indusface
When customers say, "we choose you" over others and "we recommend you" to others for three years, it speaks a lot about your business 🙌.
Our customers have made us a global Customers' Choice for cloud WAAP (WAF) 2023, providing us with 100% recommendation 🎉.
Gartner® Peer Insights™ Voice of Customer 2023. 🗣️ 🔊
We owe this success to our customers, as they are the ones who love our products and believe in the security that we offer. 🎊 . 🥳
We look forward to achieving many more milestones together in this journey. 🤝
2023 WAAP Report link in comments:
#gartnermagicquadrant #gartnervoc2023 #customerreviews #gartner2023 #waap #apiprotection #peerinsights #customerschoice #firewall #apis #webapplications #apptrana #indusfacewas
#gartnermagicquadrant #gartnervoc2023 #customerReviews #gartner2023 #waap #apiprotection #peerinsights #customerschoice #firewall #apis #webapplications #apptrana #indusfacewas
It's a Hat-Trick! 🙌
It's THREE years in a row! 🎉
We are the only Cloud WAAP (WAF) Vendor with 100% recommendation for three consecutive years - Gartner® Peer Insights™ Voice of Customer. 🗣️ 🔊
Getting 100% recommendation Y-o-Y is a testament to the value we provide to our customers and their confidence in Indusface. 🤝
Kudos to our team members for all the hard work they've put in over the years, keeping our customers first every time. 🥳
Cheers to everyone on this journey! 🎊
#gartnermagicquadrant #gartnervoc2023 #customerreviews #gartner2023 #waap #apiprotection #peerinsights #customerschoice #firewall #apis #webapplications #apptrana #indusface
#gartnermagicquadrant #gartnervoc2023 #customerReviews #gartner2023 #waap #apiprotection #peerinsights #customerschoice #firewall #apis #webapplications #apptrana #indusface
It's a Hat-Trick! 🙌
It's THREE years in a row! 🎉
We are the only Cloud WAAP (WAF) Vendor with 100% recommendation for three consecutive years - Gartner® Peer Insights™ Voice of Customer. 🗣️ 🔊
Getting 100% recommendation Y-o-Y is a testament to the value we provide to our customers and their confidence in Indusface. 🤝
Kudos to our team members for all the hard work they've put in over the years, keeping our customers first every time. 🥳
Cheers to everyone on this journey! 🎊
Link to the Gartner Peer Insights:
#gartnermagicquadrant #gartnervoc2023 #customerreviews #gartner2023 #waap #apiprotection #peerinsights #customerschoice #firewall #apis #webapplications #apptrana #indusface
#gartnermagicquadrant #gartnervoc2023 #customerReviews #gartner2023 #waap #apiprotection #peerinsights #customerschoice #firewall #apis #webapplications #apptrana #indusface
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