Contact Center as a Service Gains AI Benefits - #CustomerCare #technology #innovation #trends - "Generative AI and growing maturity of Conversational AI will accelerate Contact Center platform replacement"
#customercare #Technology #innovation #trends
#DeLonghi Group #CustomerCare Team
Voor wat betreft een #Longcoffee.
Dit betreft geen technisch defect, dit hoort zo bij een Long Coffee.
Normaal wordt bij een kop koffie of espresso het water in 1 x door de koffie geperst, waardoor je sneller een kopje koffie heeft, echter bij een Long Coffee is dit anders.
Het water wordt er pulserend, dus in kleine beetjes opgegooid en loopt langzaam door. Ook gaat het apparaat 2 x bonen malen, hiermee een kop filterkoffie nagebootst. 🤪
#longcoffee #customercare #delonghi
#DeLonghi Group #CustomerCare Team
Dank voor je reactie.
Het is zo dat je met de ECAM 290.21.B 2 kopjes espresso tegelijk kan zetten maar geen 2 kopjes koffie tegelijk. 🤔 😑
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#customersupport #customerservice #customerexperience #customerfeedback #customerresponse #customer #customersatisfaction #customercare #customerloyalty #helpdesk #helpdesksupport
Say goodbye👋 to your old-school customer support practices.
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#customersupport #customerservice #customerexperience #customerfeedback #customerresponse #customer #customersatisfaction #customercare #customerloyalty #helpdesk #helpdesksupport
I don’t generally miss #Twitter but I’m realizing the #customercare piece really served a psychological function. Now that I’ve stopped using Twitter, customer service irritants that I used to resolve by tweet linger and annoy me.
#DisabilityRights #Accessibility #CustomerCare
~ deleted and redrafted toot ~
Thank you so much to everyone who offered help with my customer support problem yesterday when a support advisor at #Apple told me I had to talk to a supervisor by phone call to resolve a complaint, despite knowing I am #Deaf and could not do so. I appreciate all the input and advice.
I have deleted the thread as the issue is now resolved thanks to the actions of another, disability-aware support advisor. 💛
#disabilityrights #accessibility #customercare #apple #deaf
#DisabilityRights #Accessibility #CustomerCare
Hi folx, because I am feeling cranky, can you reply to this post with examples of GREAT customer care please? Especially if you are disabled and wherever you are in the world.
I am real tired of complaining about this stuff and want to highlight the good.
#disabilityrights #accessibility #customercare
#DisabilityRights #Accessibility #CustomerCare
So, if I have explained to #Apple customer care that I am Deaf and must communicate by text, but they refuse to further my complaint unless via a phone call, what's my next move? Because I need to get this phone fixed and I will be damned if I will be discriminated against.
Feel free to Boost.
#disabilityrights #accessibility #customercare #apple
This, after they discriminated against me as a Deaf customer (“my supervisor will call you”) and assumed I have $1300 to put on hold to get a replacement device even though I’ve paid for Apple Care. I told them multiple times throughout the chat that I was not happy with the support I was given and was actually pretty angry. This is so incredibly inappropriate.
#Apple #CustomerCare #DisabilityDiscrimination #BadCustomerService
#apple #customercare #disabilitydiscrimination #badcustomerservice
@dx @mbonsma had it often enough to avoid it and rather rent a car or take a flight, cuz then I can blame myself's bad planning [car] or at least have #EU #PassengerRights to reimburse me on an already pretty reliable transport [planes]...
IMHO #DB should take lessions on #CustomerCare and #ServiceCulture from #Japan's #JR!
#jr #Japan #serviceculture #customercare #db #PassengerRights #EU
@stux This is really impressive! #customerservice #customercare
#customerservice #customercare
This Just In: Who is #JohnMastodon? Does anyone have a phone number to #CustomerCare?
AmeeraTel is a complete provider of outsourcing solutions. It combines the latest state of the art technology with quality customer care and commitment to excellence. We are recognized by clients in the BPO industry as the benchmark in providing the highest level of quality in customer service.
Visit us:-
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#serviceexperience #customercare #customersupport #customerservicedepartment #customerservicerepresentatives #customerservice #livechat
AmeeraTel is a complete provider of outsourcing solutions. It combines the latest state of the art technology with quality customer care and commitment to excellence. We are recognized by clients in the BPO industry as the benchmark in providing the highest level of quality in customer service.
Visit us:-
#livechat #customerservice(businessprocessoutsourcing) #customerserviceagents #customerservicedepartment #customersupport #customercare #serviceexperience
#livechat #customerservice #customercare #serviceexperience #customerserviceagents #customerservicedepartment #customersupport
Könnt ihr mir bitte bei meiner #Jobsuche helfen?
Als ausgebildeter #IT-Systemkaufmann verfüge ich über viele Jahre #Erfahrung im #Online #Kundenservice verschiedener Branchen / als #CustomerCare-Agent #eCommerce (#OnlineShop), sowohl #B2C, als auch #B2B und auf #Deutsch und #Englisch (C1).
Ich suche eine Anstellung (30-40 h) in #Dresden, möglichst mit @tim als #Bürohund oder in 100% #HomeOffice (#WorkFromHome). .
Wäre super, wenn ihr mir Hinweise auf #Unternehmen geben könntet, an die ich meine #Bewerbung schicken könnte 🙂
Gerne #Boost und Danke!
#jobsuche #it #erfahrung #online #kundenservice #customercare #ecommerce #onlineshop #b2c #b2b #deutsch #englisch #dresden #burohund #homeoffice #workfromhome #unternehmen #bewerbung #boost
“Stop using no-reply email addresses”
New blog post from me, in which I rant about why no-reply email addresses are a bad idea (and, more constructively, offer some suggestions about what to do when they are unavoidable)
#ux #conversion #ContentDesign #email #customercare
#ux #conversion #contentdesign #email #customercare
#NeuHier? Nicht mehr so ganz 😎
Bereits im August 2018 hatte ich mich hier registriert.
Nach meinem Profil-Umzug auf heißt es, ich sei heute, 31. Oktober 2022, beigetreten 😶
Ich bin Florian, wobei mich alle, außer meiner #Familie, Flo rufen.
Ich höre auch auf fasnix 😉
Schwuler Single mit #Hund, liebe #Musik, fahre gern #Fahrrad, stamme vom #Bodensee und lebe in #Dresden.
Beruflich im #eCommerce / #CustomerCare zu Hause und momentan wieder mal auf #Jobsuche.
Viel-Booster mit breiter Themen-Palette 😂
Ich tröte auf #Deutsch #Englisch und #Esperanto.
"Vom Twitter-Suchti zum Mastodon-Suchti"?
Mal schauen ...
Danke für's Lesen und Folgen 🙂
PS: 1.000 Zeichen finde ich zu viel!
#neuhier #familie #hund #musik #fahrrad #bodensee #dresden #ecommerce #customercare #jobsuche #deutsch #englisch #esperanto
Asstel e Organizzazioni Sindacali: importante l`accertamento del CNEL su CCNL TLC per call center - | News | Telefonia | Offerte #asstel #bpo #callcenter #ccnltlc #cnel #ContactCenter #crm #customercare #fabiogozzo #fistelcisl #GiorgioSerao #lauradiraimondo #riccardosaccone #slccgil #uilcomuil #21giugno
#21giugno #uilcomuil #slccgil #riccardosaccone #lauradiraimondo #GiorgioSerao #fistelcisl #fabiogozzo #customercare #crm #ContactCenter #cnel #ccnltlc #callcenter #bpo #asstel
Vertenza Call Center ITA: i Sindacati soddisfatti per la salvaguardia di 522 lavoratori - | News | Telefonia | Offerte #alitalia #callcenter #ComunicatoStampa #customercare #fistelcisl #ita #lavoro #slccgil #uilcomuil #17giugno
#17giugno #uilcomuil #slccgil #lavoro #ita #fistelcisl #customercare #ComunicatoStampa #callcenter #alitalia