· @simsonj005
0 followers · 3 posts · Server mastodon.cloud
Rican🇵🇷Vinny · @Vinny787
322 followers · 663 posts · Server mas.to

Why do people call Centers to verbally harass and ?

I understand with your some services you feel heated but why should any of my colleagues be called stupid or disgusting for simply asking the person 1 time to repeat their phone number to find their account? Especially when they're in the BEST disposition to help?

I get we work w/ the elderly population but the abuse to phone agents in the US is incredible. is it like this globally?

#Fediverse #customerserviceagents #workers #customerservice

Last updated 2 years ago

Rican🇵🇷Vinny · @Vinny787
365 followers · 801 posts · Server mas.to

Why do people call Centers to verbally harass and ?

I understand with your some services you feel heated but why should any of my colleagues be called stupid or disgusting for simply asking the person 1 time to repeat their phone number to find their account? Especially when they're in the BEST disposition to help?

I get we work w/ the elderly population but the abuse to phone agents in the US is incredible. is it like this globally?

#Fediverse #customerserviceagents #workers #customerservice

Last updated 2 years ago

· @lewisjam03
0 followers · 4 posts · Server mastodon.cloud

AmeeraTel is a complete provider of outsourcing solutions. It combines the latest state of the art technology with quality customer care and commitment to excellence. We are recognized by clients in the BPO industry as the benchmark in providing the highest level of quality in customer service.

Visit us:- ameeratel.com/


#livechat #customerservice #customercare #serviceexperience #customerserviceagents #customerservicedepartment #customersupport

Last updated 2 years ago