How AI and DNA Are Unlocking the Mysteries of Global Supply Chains - Firms are turning to advanced technologies to help answer a surprisingly tricky question:... - #regulationandderegulationofindustry #internationaltradeandworldmarket #customsandborderprotection(us) #factoriesandmanufacturing #dna(deoxyribonucleicacid) #artificialintelligence #supplychain #china
#china #supplychain #artificialintelligence #dna #factoriesandmanufacturing #customsandborderprotection #internationaltradeandworldmarket #regulationandderegulationofindustry
Whatever Happened to Those Self-Service Passport Kiosks at Airports? - More than 80 percent of all travelers entering the U.S. are now verified by facial recogn... - #customsandborderprotection(us) #facialrecognitionsoftware #travelandvacations #passports #airports
#airports #passports #travelandvacations #facialrecognitionsoftware #customsandborderprotection
Io rilancio il thread, sperando che non venga censurato...
RT @SMaurizi
1. siete colpiti dalle immagini della repressione delle proteste negli #StatiUniti? La virulenza della repressione va di pari passo con la militarizzazione della società dopo l'11/9. Avete visto drone #Predator usato dal #CustomsAndBorderProtection(CBP) per sorvegliare protesta?
#customsandborderprotection #statiuniti #predator