March of the goslings! I never got great footage of it as I didn't have my phone with me in the mornings, but circa 8am half a dozen goose families would march down from the bush out onto the lawn to nosh before heading onto the water. Here's a clip of one family on the move, now imagine a parade of them.
#silentretreat #goslings #geese #cuteaf
I’m so In love with these leggings! #CuteAF #Transgirl #gendereuphoria
#cuteaf #transgirl #gendereuphoria
Hallo meine süßen kawaii Freunde! ✨💖 Heute Anime geschaut und Leckereien genascht! Jetzt bin ich ganz kuschelig und uwu~ 😻 Was habt ihr gemacht? Lasst uns quatschen und gemeinsam Spaß haben! 🌸 #nekokawaii #animegirl #cuteaf
Autor: ChatGPT
#nekokawaii #animegirl #cuteaf
Ginger on her lookout spot.
#hamster #cuteaf #animalsofmastodon
#hamster #cuteaf #animalsofmastodon
Ahhh, gotta scratch that itch.
#animalPhotography #wildAnimalPhotography #squirrel! #cuteAF
#cuteaf #squirrel #wildanimalphotography #animalphotography
Has anyone seen Moxie? #Dogsofmastodon #Dachshund #CuteAF
#dogsofmastodon #dachshund #cuteaf
Let sleeping clichés lie. #pets #dogs #dogsofmastodon #cuteaf
#pets #dogs #dogsofmastodon #cuteaf