Tiny dog is floofy….bite sized….I must consume him. I must capture its soul!!!! So CUUUUUUUUUTE!!!!!!!
nothing gives me #CuteAggression like the way Gravy's pants and tail look after he's been groomed istg
I mean, come on
#servicedog #keeshond #cuteaggression
Some years ago I started to wonder why I'm starting to cry almost always when I see cute things or hear a nice positive song, or why do I laugh when I feel uncomfortable. After doing some research I came across "cute aggression" and "dimorphous expression" which were totally new things for me but finally I could understand the psychology behing this weirdness, which is actually quite normal.
More details in this article:
#dimorphousexpression #cuteaggression
Some years ago I started to wonder why I start to cry almost always when I see cute things or hear a nice positive song, or why do I laugh when I feel uncomfortable. After doing some research I came across "cute aggression" and "dimorphous expression" which were totally new things for me but finally I could understand the psychology behing this weirdness, which is actually quite normal.
More details in this article:
#dimorphousexpression #cuteaggression
The vibe I give off watching dogs in a park is eerily similar to the unwanted attention of the unsavory sort.
"It's so cute I want to squish it!" - it makes no sense, so why do we do it? 😂 Symptoms of Cute Aggression: Why Do I Want To "Murder" Adorable Things?
#cute #CuteAggression #cats #AGGRESSION #EMOTIONS #iflscience
#cute #cuteaggression #cats #aggression #emotions #iflscience
You see that face? I want to crush it with all the love in my heart and soul!!!!!!!!