I just got done mowing my own yard plus the yard of both neighbors on each side of me. The neighbor the right came and used the weed eater on all 3 yards as he and I work together when it comes to mowing the yards and similar stuff. He's an older guy, but super nice and a great neighbor! He loves that I have a riding mower. So I mow, he uses the weed eater and has very little to mow.
Now that I've had a shower, it's likely time for a nap!
#yardwork #lawnmower #ridingmower #cutgrass
Last year I took the executive decision to leave my back lawn go wild to give the bees and other critters something to feed on, though I did cut a simple #GrassMaze into it.
So I gave it a topping today and will leave the mulch sit and fertilize it. It's no longer a #Lawn though. :ablobsmile:
So I cut my grass today ... in February ... a whole month before I did it last year :eyethink:
Here is my front lawn, before and after.