Meeting with hienas journalist, the beginning of a relationship is the best part;I know relationship,I've seen "you've got mail";10 minutes of it,I was getting my tires rotated;point is relationship equals spontaneity plus fun;I enjoy! #chainhierarchyfood #nottooshabby #bargaining #goosebumps #savoylittlemongoose #tiptoplollipop #goldensnitch #jellybeanquidditch #unleashthedogs #kemosabe #cutiepattootie
#chainhierarchyfood #nottooshabby #bargaining #goosebumps #savoylittlemongoose #tiptoplollipop #goldensnitch #jellybeanquidditch #unleashthedogs #kemosabe #cutiepattootie
I love the news today,a Ukrainian priest was judge for espionage,and get a gps tracker on his legs,the worlds get better &better now that gps read our most private communication &then sell back at us the very thing they're eavesdropped about"god bless us"!"god bless uka" #slaponthewrist #ephemeral #shortbread #idabble #cutiepattootie #kemosabe #unleashthedogs #jellybeanquidditch #goldensnitch #tiptoplollipop #savoylittlemongoose
#slaponthewrist #ephemeral #shortbread #idabble #cutiepattootie #kemosabe #unleashthedogs #jellybeanquidditch #goldensnitch #tiptoplollipop #savoylittlemongoose
Kids have fun happy #easter yeah!!! #tiptoplollipop #goldensnitch #jellybeanquidditch #unleashthedogs #kemosabe #cutiepattootie #idabble #shortbread #ephemeral #slaponthewrist
#easter #tiptoplollipop #goldensnitch #jellybeanquidditch #unleashthedogs #kemosabe #cutiepattootie #idabble #shortbread #ephemeral #slaponthewrist
After 18h working,I do miss my family,my kids,but with remaining time,after a few hours of sleep,I have used the time to reconnect with my kids&I'm actually thinking about resuming my actuarial practice #goldensnitch #jellybeanquidditch #unleashthedogs #kemosabe #cutiepattootie #idabble #shortbread #ephemeral #slaponthewrist organic,fresh,fairtade from local farmers
#goldensnitch #jellybeanquidditch #unleashthedogs #kemosabe #cutiepattootie #idabble #shortbread #ephemeral #slaponthewrist
Today the #littlemermaid was painting with #russia flag in Copenhagen/capital of #danmark some groups take longer than others to gain acceptance,I like our politicians in the closet,because we're afraid,deep down,were all a little betrayals;the paint was gone.. #goosebumps #savoylittlemongoose #cutiepattootie #idabble #shortbread #ephemeral #slaponthewrist
#littlemermaid #russia #danmark #goosebumps #savoylittlemongoose #cutiepattootie #idabble #shortbread #ephemeral #slaponthewrist
(2) #puppettheatre ;we don't have any value,not for my side #deadbeatdad #herkermerhomolka #rattlehimgood #unsanitarynonsense #twistedsicko #walleyehockey #williesinabiscuittin #smaterthenaseamanscleats #cockandballstory #pluckylittlecherubs #scarecrow #chainhierarchyfood #nottooshabby #bargaining #goosebumps #savoylittlemongoose #tiptoplollipop #goldensnitch #jellybeanquidditch #unleashthedogs #kemosabe #cutiepattootie #idabble #shortbread #ephemeral #slapinthewrist
#puppettheatre #deadbeatdad #herkermerhomolka #rattlehimgood #unsanitarynonsense #twistedsicko #walleyehockey #williesinabiscuittin #smaterthenaseamanscleats #cockandballstory #pluckylittlecherubs #scarecrow #chainhierarchyfood #nottooshabby #bargaining #goosebumps #savoylittlemongoose #tiptoplollipop #goldensnitch #jellybeanquidditch #unleashthedogs #kemosabe #cutiepattootie #idabble #shortbread #ephemeral #slapinthewrist
Even the new generation don't know what works is;how to work;what to work;but this generation are passionate!about something!&that's important!that's all there is really,is #passion ;passion is what makes for good treaties,good relationships #instagram #snapchat #ticktock #youtube #twitter #facebook #mastodon good friends good everything!I hope will do something great with the new life! I hope #goldensnitch #jellybeanquidditch #unleashthedogs #kemosabe #cutiepattootie #idabble I love Charlotte
#Passion #instagram #snapchat #ticktock #youtube #twitter #facebook #mastodon #goldensnitch #jellybeanquidditch #unleashthedogs #kemosabe #cutiepattootie #idabble
I understand #Schengen is a lot of rules&Bruxelles& annoying flossing habits&a lot of unfun stuff; #austria & #netherland oppose #Romania & #bulgarian on Schengen,why? emigration!but what's about?is not enjoy the bubble for a little while? Schengen is a epitome of a"concept"of"equality";imagine someone needs attention
-somebody say a country?
-swivel!what's is?
-you just ask for a country!
So a few country how oppose smell like a butt! #cutiepattootie
#Schengen #austria #netherland #romania #bulgarian #cutiepattootie
A lot of people say humans right are not fair;last time I checked,I don't think rights murdered anyone,or had an affair,or did drugs;but we apologize for having fun?!?and for making something cute with our life?!?but what anthropology say,were just animals,we don't know anything about love,all what's important to me,is to be friends #cutiepattootie
Like a few know,I'm on social platform for 15years,I've never been friends with anyone I don't know,probably for the same reason I've married with a opposite 6,I guess I assume, eventually,I'll be rejected,I test people,push them, until they prove me right;it's a sickness,I admit it,but this opportunity always accepted me, sickness &all,this place accepted all of you,it's worth thinking about; #cutiepattootie