@mike Please keep us posted on your experience with #CutiePi.
For me, I think mass produced products like these that are built on the #RaspberryPi miss the point of the Pi, which is to create and nurture Makers.
Cutie Pi is a ready-made tablet. Where is the #FunPi in that?
After waiting since March of 2021, my #CutiePi arrived this morning. First impressions of the build quality are good. It feels solid and the screen is acceptable. It's running #Raspian #Bullseye. It notified me immediately there were updates, but there was a missing dependency so it wouldn't do them. I manually forced it to #Bookworm, which destroyed the custom UI they've put on it. I reimaged the SDCard, and it's back to good. Tomorrow I try a new image I got a few minutes ago.
#cutiepi #raspian #bullseye #bookworm
Anyone have any hands on experience with the #CutiePi tablet? It looks kinda fun.
#cutiepi #raspberrypi #tablet #linuxmobile
"Swapping a SD card you got a new OS running; it's like swapping a cartridge, so it brings some good memories."
@penk at his #UbuntuSummit talk about #CutiePi:
#ubuntusummit #cutiepi #maker #hacker #mobilelinux
"Swapping a SD card you got a new OS running; it's like swapping a cartridge, so it brings some good memories."
@penk at his #UbuntuSummit talk about #CutiePi:
#ubuntusummit #cutiepi #maker #hacker #mobilelinux
These #CutiePi #Raspberry_Pi tablets... They've packaged Compute Module 4, battery, wi-fi, BT, touch display, camera and all the drivers. Open source. Want!!!
Gestern endlich mein #CutiePi aus Japan bekommen. Ein Raspberry Tablet, bei dem alles OpenSource ist, auch die Hardware und das 3d-gedruckte Gehäuse. Installiert ist Debian mit einem touch-optimierten Browser. Werde ich mit meinen Schülern nachbauen und individualisieren (https://cutiepi.io).
#CutiePi Tablet review (updated)
https://tuxphones.com/cutiepi-review-open-hardware-linux-tablet-raspberry-pi-4/ #raspberrypi #linux
Our in-depth review of the #CutiePi is finally out! Check it out here:
"CutiePi Tablet review: The open-hardware #Linux tablet"
https://tuxphones.com/cutiepi-review-open-hardware-linux-tablet-raspberry-pi-4/ #raspberrypi
Found a way to have almost zero-latency, wireless video streaming on a virtual secondary screen, i.e.: using a mainline Linux tablet (with working GPU) as a portable second screen for your Linux desktop.
The amazing #CutiePi (review next week!) is seen here for this purpose
A very first unboxing of the #CutiePi Tablet, the first open-hardware Raspberry Pi 4-powered handheld by the Taiwan/Japan-based open hardware startup.
This device is based on a #RaspberryPi CM 4 (2GB RAM in our sample), and sports fully open-hardware, and easy to replicate, board design, which incorporates a HD screen, 5MP camera and several other sensors, all enclosed in a solid chassis.
An in-depth review will arrive in the next weeks, as soon as I manage to get rid of some other work!
CutiePi is a Raspberry Pi fitted into a tablet format with a software keyboard interface. Kickstarter is live: https://cutiepi.io/ #cutiepi #linux #tablet #raspberrypi
#cutiepi #tablet #linux #raspberrypi
RT @cutiepi_io@twitter.com
Survey for Kickstarter backer is out, please verify your shipping info!
Second batch pre-orders of #CutiePi tablet are now open 👉 https://shop.cutiepi.io/products/cutiepi-tablet
More details about CM4 support and shipping schedule in the blog 👉 https://medium.com/cutiepi/3292f0bb0aea
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/cutiepi_io/status/1371515187996413955
#computemodule4 #raspberrypi #cutiepi
Already 146% reached for the #CutiePi #Tablet campaign 🙈 https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/745629624/cutiepi-raspberry-pi-untethered
CutiePi Is World’s Thinnest, Hackable Raspberry Pi Tablet, Available for Pre-Order Now
#cutiepi #linuxtablet #RaspberryPi
If you want some news about #CutiePi, the #tablet with #RaspberryPi (on Medium I know) 🤓 https://medium.com/cutiepi