Less than 72 hours before the next great #production #cutover.
We’ve done the #dryRun several times. We have documents, #playbooks (#Ansible and otherwise), and #pullrequests. (We had past pull requests that were specifically about making our current pull requests easier!) We have #troubleshooting scenarios queued up. We’ve got the work items on our #board. Not much left to do but #divide and #conquer.
I hope the rest of the #enterprise is as well-#prepared as my #team are.
#team #prepared #enterprise #conquer #divide #board #troubleshooting #pullrequests #ansible #playbooks #dryRun #cutover #production
I hope tomorrow’s #cutover of two #UAT environments to the #cloud go so smoothly that we can genuinely call it #RinseAndRepeat. (Hey #Ansible, you’re on deck!)
Maybe we’ll even have enough time to get that #kubernetes #cluster from a #deprecated version to something more recent and reasonable. I would hate for all my #kustomize #shenanigans to go to waste!
Everything will go perfectly swimmingly, until #MurphysLaw decides to show up. #GirdYourLoins folks, it could get weird.
#girdyourloins #murphyslaw #shenanigans #kustomize #deprecated #cluster #kubernetes #ansible #rinseandrepeat #cloud #uat #cutover