Thank goodness I watched today's new #GiveItToMeStraight interview - Maddy Morphosis gave Bumpits to Chrissy Chlapecka at the end. I have now added BUMPIT (2008) to my list of #CutthroatCompounds. It's not in the OED. #AmResearching
#giveittomestraight #cutthroatcompounds #amresearching
I got a hot tip about a real-life cat named EATBUGS, and in trying to find a citation date for someone's pet, I found the 1985 cat fantasy novel Tailchaser's Song has a cat named Eatbugs, plus 20 other potential #CutthroatCompounds - Hangbelly, Quiverclaw, Fumblefoot, Hushpad, Pokesnout, Howlsong, Hissblood, Slitbelly, Snufflenose, Wavetail, Twitchnose, Snaremouse, Snagrat!!! #AmResearching
#cutthroatcompounds #amresearching
HINDERLOVE is not in the OED, but English: Past and Present credited it to "The Passionate Morrice" (1593) which is also on Google Books and has this quote: "It is a halting crack-halter; a hurtfull hinderloue, and best he shall be knowne by his stumpe foote." Seems like a nonce usage. Every search for "hinderloue" with a u point back to this one passage. It's the only cutthroat with HINDER as the verb that I have so far, it join 23 other H- verbs. #CutthroatCompounds #AmResearching 7/6
#cutthroatcompounds #amresearching
BLUR-PAPER turns out to be in the OED, as a bad writer, a scribbler, so BLUR- is now a new verb on my list (along with 30 other B verbs), and it joins a family of bad writers: SPOIL-PAPER and WASTE-PAPER. I think I'll stop here for tonight. #CutthroatCompounds #AmResearching 6/6
#cutthroatcompounds #amresearching
I can't Google anything useful for BLURPAPER or CHERISH-THIEVES (BlurPaper is also an image modifying app now), so I look CHERISH-THIEVES up on Google Books too, and find Rogue and Early Modern English Culture (2010) that says CHERISH is actually an adjectival form of CHARE, meaning it's a back-lane thief, not a cutthroat either. To the NOT REAL ONES tab with you as well. #CutthroatCompounds #AmResearching 5/?
#cutthroatcompounds #amresearching
The English: Past and Present book also told me that RAKE-HELL was originally RAKEL in Chaucer, and not a cutthroat, but is has been interpreted that way, and has inspired other RAKE cutthroats (-JAKES, -KENNEL, -MOULD, -SHAME, & -STRAW) , so I think it stays on my list. Not originally made with the same morphology, but rebracketed to be one in the 1540s based on the idiom "to rake hell with a fine tooth comb," and influential. 4/? #CutthroatCompounds #AmResearching
#cutthroatcompounds #amresearching
SurnameDB told me that SHAKESBY is not a cutthroat, but a placename meaning Robbers Farm. Off to the NOT REAL ONES tab you go, little SHAKESBY. I always collect with a wide net, and curate later, when more examples are around to better establish patterns. 3/? #CutthroatCompounds #AmResearching
#cutthroatcompounds #amresearching
Looked BLABTALE up on Google Books and found a PDF for English: Past and Present from 1903 with a big list of cutthroats - some I have and some I don't, like BLURPAPER CHERISHTHIEVES HATEGOOD HATEPEACE HINDERLOVE and WASTE-THRIFT. BLABTALE says its from Hacket, but I can't find the longer citation for what the heck Hacket is to actually date this term. OED doesn't have a lot of nonce slang, but I should check there anyway. #CutthroatCompounds #AmResearching 2/?
#cutthroatcompounds #amresearching
I thought was gone, but I ran into it yesterday looking up KAY DRINKWATER, so I tried finding dates for other surnames, got about 5 of 20, then got distracted by BLABTALE at the end of that list. #CutthroatCompounds #AmResearching 1/?
#cutthroatcompounds #amresearching
Hey Internet, do you know where this image of Homer Ownputer is from? I’m just finding it at meme compilations without a source. #CutthroatCompounds #AmResearching
#cutthroatcompounds #amresearching
#Introduction post:
My profession is #TechnicalEditing, my special interest is #HistoricalLinguistics. I deeply love #CompoundMorphology and #ReferenceWorks and I'm always hunting for new #CutthroatCompounds. I sing, I give talks, I do a lot of research.
I am a part of many wonderful organizations including #Wordnik, #OddSalon, #ACES, #DSNA, #ADS, and #NPL.
In 2023, I plan to read a lot of non-fiction books. #AmReading
#introduction #technicalediting #historicallinguistics #compoundmorphology #referenceworks #cutthroatcompounds #wordnik #oddsalon #aces #dsna #ads #npl #amreading