"production was outsourced to other countries to save money at the cost of reliability". I like how DW News doesn't beat about the bush. Unlike our rubbish BBC. If it's bad in Germany, it won't be any better over here in the UK. The UK Govt has outsourced almost everything in this country, apart from the politicians themselves.
#healthservice #cuttingcorners #brexit #nhs
#HealthService #cuttingcorners #brexit #nhs
Aus der Reihe: Wirtschaft und Wirtschaftspolitik, die seit jeher nicht so genau hinschaut, mit wem sie gerade Geschäfte macht, heute: #Iran #CuttingCorners https://m.faz.net/aktuell/wirtschaft/deutschland-macht-milliardengeschaeft-mit-iran-18529029.html
The first paper from my PhD about the drivers of #collectiveintelligence: #Projectmanagement teams with no time but plenty of surprises thrive with a #commongoal, constant attentiveness, mutual #trust, swift #face2facecommunication, and #improvisation without #cuttingcorners. IPMA Graduate Research Award Outstanding Contribution 2021. https://doi.org/10.1177/8756972820928695 #processstudy, #teamwork, #teamprocesses, #changes, #teaming, #pressure, #timepressure, #performancepressure, #teamintelligence
#teamintelligence #performancepressure #timepressure #pressure #teaming #changes #teamprocesses #teamwork #processstudy #cuttingcorners #improvisation #face2facecommunication #trust #commongoal #projectmanagement #collectiveintelligence