165 followers · 1714 posts · Server mastodon.radio

My most intense and fun Field Day ever, as FD coordinator for (18A setup this year.) I lost count of the hours weeks ago. Hard to believe it's over now...it will take days to recover from my biggest post-covid effort.

No idea how our QSO tally compares to other clubs (because it's not a contest blah blah blah) but we obliterated our score from last year. I had some ideas for the site plan this year that seemed to work and can be made even better next year.

Sooo many people to thank...


Last updated 1 year ago

165 followers · 1693 posts · Server mastodon.radio

Off for another work session preparing the site for . The rules only allow 24 hours for setup, but that's the radio gear. There is so much more with a setup like ours.

Plenty of water, that's the key. I keep telling myself.

#cvarc #fieldday

Last updated 1 year ago

113 followers · 925 posts · Server mastodon.radio

Conejo Valley Amateur Radio Club's (CVARC)Technician class starting Saturday is up to 25 reservations...incredible. Several members of California's Air National Guard are in the class. It's the most I've ever seen in a single class.

The Ventura County Amateur Radio Club, VCARC, is also in the planning stages of offering license classes. The demand is out there, and all hams should be doing what they can to gets butts into the seats of classes like these!

#hamradio #cvarc #vcarc

Last updated 1 year ago

ki6bty · @ki6bty
20 followers · 69 posts · Server mastodon.radio

with was fun today. Setup my new Harbor Freight flagpole mast in the park today. Didn't make any contacts, but learned a lot with getting everything setup and troubleshooting the radio... and swapping out antennas. Plastic bags on the guy wires to make them more visible. Maybe black wasn't the best color choice... next time, flagging tape to highlight them. Did hear Canada on my 20m antenna, once I got the FT891 setup right. Only ended up w/30min on the air.

#cvarc #winterfieldday

Last updated 2 years ago

90 followers · 548 posts · Server mastodon.radio

Winter Field Day today! If you're in Ventura County, come join at Dos Vientos Park where we'll be set up for operating and a picnic from 1000-1500.


#portablehamradio #hamradio #cvarc

Last updated 2 years ago

86 followers · 495 posts · Server mastodon.radio

is coming up a week from Saturday! Conejo Valley Amateur Radio Club, is having a picnic/portable ops during the contest. Find details here cvarc.org/event/winter-field-d

If you can't join us, look for AA6CV on the air :)

#borednet #portablehamradio #μfd #μfieldday #microfieldday #cvarc #winterfieldday

Last updated 2 years ago

Ed W8EMV :radio_tower: · @w8emv
248 followers · 476 posts · Server mastodon.radio

Listening to Carlos Felix talk about operating "parachute mobile". Via Zoom for the Conejo Valley Amateur Radio Club. Thanks @ai6yr Ben for the info about this meeting!


"When was the last time you worked 146.520 from 14,500 feet? How about while floating down to earth under a parachute? We’ll meet Carlos Felix-KD9OLN who takes his radio on jumps and has made 2m, 10m, and 20m contacts on the way down."

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#ParachuteMobile #cvarc #kd9oln

Last updated 2 years ago