#CvilleVillage is recruiting volunteers right now. And we’ll be recruiting members in the fall. Our pilot neighborhood for members is Belmont-Carlton. If you know of an older adult 55+ there (or nearby), who could use a hand now and then, or you’d like to give a hand, contact us! cvillevillage@gmail.com
Cvillians, #CvilleVillage is coming soon. What is it? It’s not a place or buildings. It’s a group of neighbors who help neighbors with the little things that will let them stay in their homes as long as possible. Rides, friendly visits, tech help, light home/yard maintenance, occasional pet care, occasional respite care for family caregivers, and more! And human connection too! All for modest annual dues, and provided by screened and trained volunteers.
A Village in Taos doing it right
#cvillevillage #seniors #aginginplace
#villages #villagemovement #cvillevillage #seniors #aginginplace