ICAO: 4079F4
Flt: EXM101 #UnitedKingdomCivilAviationAuthority #CVT-#CVT
First seen: 2023/08/17 11:54:01
Min Alt: 2900 ft MSL
Min Dist: 0.81 mi
#planefence #adsb #mendip
#unitedkingdomcivilaviationauthority #cvt #planefence #adsb #mendip
A CVT For Every Application - When the subject of CVTs or continuously variable transmissions comes up, the chan... - https://hackaday.com/2023/07/01/a-cvt-for-every-application/ #continuouslyvariabletransmission #continuouslyvariable #transportationhacks #transmission #cvt
#cvt #transmission #transportationhacks #continuouslyvariable #continuouslyvariabletransmission
Shooter Report
finally at the home club exiting regatta to open the season on the lake!
#Sport #Sail #Sailing #H22 #OneDesign #CircoloVelicoTivano #Valmadrera #CVT #Lario #NorthSail #Quantum #LandRover #LarioMiAuto #XVZona
#sport #sail #sailing #h22 #onedesign #circolovelicotivano #valmadrera #cvt #Lario #northsail #quantum #landrover #lariomiauto #xvzona
RT @jae_patton
A little Wednesday morning wisdom from @vitaltalk
My @ACCinTouch #CVT colleagues are amazing at giving “air time” to patients and families!
@baileyannRN @VietHeartPA @Andrea_Price317 http://vitaltalk.org
Bonus Photo of the Day 22nd February 2023: E-425, Hawker Hunter F.51, Royal Danish Air Force, on display at Midland Air Museum, Coventry Airport, 8th May 1993.
#MidlandAirMuseum #MAM #museum #Coventry #CVT #EGBE #Hawker #Hunter #RDAF #RoyalDanishAirForce
#midlandairmuseum #mam #museum #coventry #cvt #egbe #hawker #hunter #rdaf #royaldanishairforce
Bonus Photo of the Day 21st January 2023: XSA508, Fairey Gannet T2, Royal Navy, on display at the Midland Air Museum, Coventry Airport, 8th May 1993, taken with a 24mm lens with a .42x semi-fish-eye adapter.
#Coventry #CVT #EGBE #MidlandAirMuseum #MAM #museum #Fairey #Gannet #RoyalNavy #RN
#avgeek #aviation #planespotting #photography
#coventry #cvt #egbe #midlandairmuseum #mam #museum #fairey #gannet #royalnavy #rn #avgeek #aviation #planespotting #photography
If you don't have time for the galleries, or enjoy to see in e dynamic way, here the slideshow
#ILCA #EuroMaster #Laser #CVT #Valmadrera #Lario
On my personal flow, soon will be a “channel” dedicated to the Photography
#Ilca #euromaster #laser #cvt #valmadrera #Lario
If you don't have time for the galleries, or enjoy to see in e dynamic way, here the slideshow
#ILCA #EuroMaster #Laser #CVT #Valmadrera #Lario
On my personal flow, soon will be a “channel” dedicated to the Photography
#Ilca #euromaster #laser #cvt #valmadrera #Lario
Still with at least 1of 4 rib broken and some pain I finally edited and uploaded the images, already selected the day before the bad landing 2.5 months ago (yeah it's passed long time from the last one).
#ILCA #EuroMaster #Laser #CVT #Valmadrera #Lario
On my personal flow, soon will be a “channel” dedicated to the Photography
#Ilca #euromaster #laser #cvt #valmadrera #Lario
G-BBDD, Piper PA-28-140 Cherokee, Midland Air Training School, at Coventry Airport, 8th May 1993.
#avgeek #planespotting #coventry #cvt #egbe #piper #pa28 #midlandAirTrainingSchool
#midlandAirTrainingSchool #pa28 #piper #egbe #cvt #coventry #planespotting #avgeek
Bonus Photo of the Day 2019-09-26.
G-BUKA, SA227-AC Metro III, Air Corbiere, at Coventry Airport, 8th May 1993.
#avgeek #planespotting #potd #coventryAirport #cvt #egbe #swearengen #sa227 #airCorbiere
#aircorbiere #sa227 #swearengen #egbe #cvt #coventryairport #potd #planespotting #avgeek
Bonus Photo of the Day 2019-06-27.
9G-ONE, Boeing 707-379C, Phoenix Aviation, at Coventry Airport, 8th May 1993.
#avgeek #aviation #planespotting #potd #coventry #cvt #egbe #boeing #b707 #phoenix
#phoenix #b707 #boeing #egbe #cvt #coventry #potd #planespotting #aviation #avgeek