I'm now past half way in the #CWAcademy Summer Intermediate Class and my #MorseCode has progressed considerably in speed and accuracy. The class is a lot more relaxed than I expected, and not a thrashing. Students are encouraged to improve themselves rather than given hard targets. We've built up quite the community and I would thoroughly recommend CW Academy to anyone that wants to learn or improve their CW.
Another backyard attempt for my first #cw qso. My #cwacademy advisor recommended 14.038 MHz and to send "cwa" after my call sign. Day 49 #CW100days #cwa #ditdah
#ditdah #cwa #cw100days #cwacademy #cw
Great to get Allan VK2GR in the log again during this morning's CWT. #KX2 5W #QRP #MorseCode #CWOps #CWAcademy
#cwacademy #cwops #morsecode #qrp #kx2
So.. #CWAcademy is a go! We're in the pre-class period until the end of the month, holding twice weekly Zoom sessions if we can, getting to know each other, our advisor and co-advisors, sending some #morsecode and understanding the philosophy behind the CW Academy approach to learning CW. It's great.
Alrighty then, that's my #cwacademy application complete, now to wait and see if I get a place.
Looks like I'm going to be in a #CWAcademy intermediate-level class in the May / June session. It's probably the right next step to resume improving, now that the honeymoon period is over and my progress has slowed drastically.
Hopefully I can work out how to use my #CWHotline for it. I'm not sure how they hold sessions, but if I need to be able to both speak and beep I may need to wire up a mixer, either a simple circuit or a software loopback mixer or an actual hardware mixer...
Slowly progressing with head copy of #MorseCode at 20wpm thanks to the #CWOps practise files.
Once life calms down in May I'll join the #CWAcademy to push through to some ridiculously efficient sending at a tidy speed.
Another neat thing in the #cwAcademy materials: https://morse.mdp.im/news/ #morseCode