Jason Bratcher · @BlindHedgehog
2 followers · 138 posts · Server techhub.social

Being blind since birth makes sound and touch an absolute paramount of my existance.
I'm Not Ready for or yet (if ever).
I like the feeling of physical typing/command performing under my finters since it further promotes for me.
+ the (C:\Windows\Media|) folder of sounds tells me what's happening in
(Can I just call it , lol? JK.
My is very so if I come across new concepts similar to old ones I used to use, I'm so off to the races.
On an unrelated note,
Yes, # just like everyone else.

#introduction #appleiphone #googleandroid #musclememory #nvda #cwindowsmedia #windows #glass #brain #neuroplastic #blind #people #dream

Last updated 2 years ago