Nachdem ich nun genügend 2-Cent-Münzen als Gewicht für den Sockel zusammen geklaubt habe (die passen genau in entsprechende Aussparungen), ist die Taste nun richtig angenehm zu bedienen. Die verwende ich glatt für den #CWops Kurs. 🙂
Started the CWOP Fundamentals course last night, and just finished homework assignment number 1. Good to be back studying morse again, looking forward to improvement of my copy, and more consistent sending.
8 weeks, 16 sessions to go !
This weekend is the European #hamradio #fieldday and before heading out tomorrow, I’m preparing all my gear.
That also means cleaning and adjusting my #cw #morse keyers, amongst them, this beauty which has served me well for likely 28 years and continues to do so ❤️🥹
I’m measuring the paddle pressure with a #dynamometer, a surprisingly expensive little instrument, but well worth the purchase: the balance between dashes and dots becomes absolutely perfect 🤩
I actually prefer somewhere between 20 and 30 gram, but these old #HI-MOUND are difficult to get below 35. The springs are getting old I guess ☺️
Listen for me tomorrow and Sunday, I’ll be operating as OZ2EDR/P 🙂🙂
#radio #passion #cwops #hamradio #fieldday #portableops #superkeyer #superkeyerii
#hamradio #fieldday #cw #morse #dynamometer #hi #radio #passion #cwops #portableops #superkeyer #superkeyerii
Since no posts from my previous instances carried over (and it looks like not all my followers either, oh well) here's some shots of my last few #POTA activations! The radio in each of these is the new QRP-Labs QMX at apx 3-4W. The antenna in 3 of them is a Buddistick Pro and one is a 20m Sparkplug EFHW. The bike is a Biktrix Juggernaut Duo Classic. The dog is an Australian Shepherd named Bertie and she's the best #hamradio dog ever.
#hamradio #cwops #buddistick #qrplabs #qrp #portable
#pota #HamRadio #cwops #buddistick #qrplabs #qrp #portable
Here's my #introduction to! I moved from to my own self hosted server then to here. The fun of maintaining the server wore off. Anyway my interests are:
#KitBuilding (currently QMX)
#Portable ham radio
digital modes like #ft8 #js8 #psk31
to name a few. I'll be posting mainly pics of POTA activations and kits I'm working on. Maybe some cats. I look forward to settling in to my new fedi-home!
#introduction #kitbuilding #3dprinting #3ddesign #pota #portable #ft8 #js8 #PSK31 #cwops #moresecode
@DL4DE Ich hoffe ja auf einen Kurs bei #cwops. Bis dahin (und auch dann noch) verwende ich zum Lernen den #Morserino mit dem Übungsplan und den Einstellungen der #CW Schule Graz. Aber ein paar Gleichgesinnte zwecks Motivation wäre schon schön.
Good morning Friends. Setup and ready to work some #qro #cwoperator #morsecode #cwops #amateurradio #hamradio #parksontheair #pota activation
#pota #ParksOnTheAir #hamradio #amateurradio #cwops #morsecode #cwoperator #qro
Cloudy morning on the #lewisandclarknationalhistorictrail along the #ohioriver in Louisville, KY during my #parksontheair #pota activation with the #qrpradio @YouKits #hb1b and #linkeddipole #antenna #cwoperator #morsecode #cwops #qrp #amateurradio #hamradio
#hamradio #amateurradio #qrp #cwops #morsecode #cwoperator #antenna #linkeddipole #hb1b #qrpradio #pota #ParksOnTheAir #ohioriver #lewisandclarknationalhistorictrail
Great to get Allan VK2GR in the log again during this morning's CWT. #KX2 5W #QRP #MorseCode #CWOps #CWAcademy
#cwacademy #cwops #morsecode #qrp #kx2
HAPPY #MorseCodeDay at #pota #parksontheair activation site K-7956 #beargrasscreekstatenaturepreserve in Louisville,Kentucky USA #hamradio #amateurradio #qrp #qrpradio #hb1b #Continuouswave #morsecode #cwops #cwop
#cwop #cwops #morsecode #ContinuousWave #hb1b #qrpradio #qrp #amateurradio #hamradio #beargrasscreekstatenaturepreserve #ParksOnTheAir #pota #MorseCodeDay
There you are, struggling along to keep up with the #CWOps CWT and you log VK2GR... wait, what! Go back, check, listen, listen again. Yep, my first VK at 17200km using 5w into an EFHW
#morsecode #cwon
It's a #qcxmini #qrpradio #morsecode #qrp #parksontheair #pota activation at K-7956. Look for me on 20m. Sending at 15wpm for new #cwops but replying to any speed. #amateurradio #hamradio
#hamradio #amateurradio #cwops #pota #ParksOnTheAir #qrp #morsecode #qrpradio #qcxmini
Had a really good #CWOps CWT last night, with a number of ops copied first time rather than taking repeated attempts. But this morning's CWT was a non-starter.. brain must need a rest after last night.
Basketball games over, Crew Dragon Endurance back on earth & now time for #AmateurRadio #hamradio #morsecode during the @SKCCgroup #SKCC WES #cwops #cwop Life is grand!
#cwop #cwops #skcc #morsecode #hamradio #amateurradio
I was going to have a bash at the 13:00 #CWOps CWT today as a late lunch.. then someone dropped a meeting in there. How rude!
Its a beautiful day to hunt #pota #parksontheair with #Buddipole #dipole #Youkits #HB1B #QRP #MorseCode #QRPRadio & #AmericanMorse #ultraportapaddle Trying to decide which way to use paddle. Both ways are doable & comfortable. #CWops #CWop
#cwop #cwops #ultraportapaddle #americanmorse #qrpradio #morsecode #qrp #hb1b #youkits #dipole #buddipole #ParksOnTheAir #pota
And with that, 8 weeks has passed, and 16 sessions of the CW Ops Beginners Course. I started not knowing my callsign or name in morse, and am now having proper QSO's on-air. It's flown by and I've enjoyed every bit of it. Hard work to keep up, and get the homework done but with the commitment came the results.
Thanks to all at CW Ops who make these courses available, and run them so professionally from the initial joining to the follow-ups and tutors.