🆕 The CyberPeace Institute has released a report on the Cyber Dimensions of the Armed Conflict in Ukraine for Q1 2023.

644 cyberattacks were documented between Jan-Mar 2023, including attacks in Ukraine, Russia, and other countries.

In total, 1,537 cyber incidents have been documented by 91 threat actors across 46 countries since Jan 2022.

🔗 Check out the data here: cyberpeaceinstitute.org/news/p


#cybersecurity #cyberattacks #cyberconflict #data #analysis #civilianinfrastructure #cyberharm

Last updated 2 years ago

Gentry · @Gentry
130 followers · 61 posts · Server ioc.exchange

Do you have a fireside talk series, conference, class, or podcast? Would your audience like hearing about:
-Cyberpower & American hegemony
-Cyber domain decision advantage (how to get, keep & sustain it)
-Operationalizing cyber deterrence by denial
-The real objective of adversary persistant agression

Please reach out. These are all topics in my forthcoming book & I’d live to give you a sneak peek.

(Et je suis également à l'aise en français ou anglais)

#natsec #cyberwar #cyberconflict #cyberstrategy #cyber #cybersecurity

Last updated 2 years ago

Gentry · @Gentry
13 followers · 4 posts · Server ioc.exchange
Lawfare · @lawfare
3853 followers · 61 posts · Server mastodon.social

Statistical data on cyber conflict is lacking. A new dataset by a European research initiative called EuRepoC tries to solve this problem by launching a dashboard to visualize more than 1,400 cyber incidents.

From Matthias Schulze: lawfareblog.com/quantifying-cy

#cyberwar #cybersecurity #ddos #europe #cyberattack #cyberconflict #cyberthreat

Last updated 2 years ago

Karl Grindal · @karl
23 followers · 7 posts · Server sciences.social

Hi . Quick .

I'm a prof at the University of New Hampshire (). My research is focused on policy, investigating how institutions and states use rules and resources to shape online security and privacy. My research ranges from analysis to history and internet governance.

Interests include , , , , and .

#academicmastodon #Introduction #securitystudies #UNH #cybersecurity #publicpolicy #cyberconflict #learningsciences #onlinelearning #rstats #python #dataviz #doglife

Last updated 2 years ago