Ulrich Plate · @oya3un
33 followers · 202 posts · Server piaille.fr

@Sebastian Scharf beobachtet. Die Branchenbezeichnung sorgt dabei für angemessene Distanz und ironischen Mehrwert, wenn man sich mit solcherlei Publikum überhaupt unterhalten muss.


Last updated 1 year ago

SkaveRat 🐀 :verified: · @skaverat
145 followers · 1102 posts · Server skaverat.net

I have a couple Patches left - probably won't make another batch of them in the foreseeable future. So, if you want to help out clear the stock until my new hacker-patches arrive, you can get the last couple of them here:


#cyberwehr #cyber #cybercyber

Last updated 1 year ago

Volkmar · @volkmar
74 followers · 466 posts · Server osna.social

Ich kann Menschen nicht ernst nehmen, die im professionellen Kontext das Wort "Cyber" ernsthaft verwenden.


Last updated 1 year ago

Lukas · @1uk4sh
47 followers · 3 posts · Server hachyderm.io
· @xmlarbyter
82 followers · 174 posts · Server social.tchncs.de

Schon etwas speziell, aber nicht mal so schlecht abgeschnitten beim . social.heise.de/@heiseonline/1

#cybercyber #akufi #tgiqf

Last updated 2 years ago

Altwelthippie · @Zynist
39 followers · 149 posts · Server social.tchncs.de

Back on the tracks.


Last updated 2 years ago

Beau Woods · @beauwoods
751 followers · 54 posts · Server infosec.exchange

On January 19, a team of us ran the 6th . 100+ hackers met and briefed 20+ congressional staffers in the morning. The White House invited dozens of us to brief them afterward.

It was a massive success! Thank you to all who helped and participated.

First, thank you, @spowazek for helping make things run so smoothly this year! Building on the automation and structure that you and Jennie built last year, this year scaled up (way up) gracefully with more than 50% growth!

Thank you, @RoRo for recording the public portion of the event, printing posters and stickers, and laser etching nameplates. Lots of work. And last year, building the streaming infrastructure that made it possible to accommodate virtual and in person participation.

Thank you, @winnona for being among the eagerest of us to keep the wheels turning, even cold calling Congressional offices to make sure members involved in cybersecurity legislation had the opportunity to engage.

Thank you, Katie Trimble-Noble for helping herd us to make sure the event ran smoothly and everything was thought through! And for helping inform hackers about what staffers do.

Thank you, @HarleyGeiger for supporting the event for the past several years, both in planning and organization, as well as briefing us on current events in cyber policy on the Hill. youtu.be/OUspGKVWYWQ?t=32

Thank you, @jackhcable for coordinating with staffers, lining up an interview subject, and getting a space! Last year your work was critical, flexing your bureaucracy hacking skills to organize space and entrance during pretty intensely constrained conditions.

Thank you to the many Congressional staffers who value engagement with the community. Who learn from us to get better at what you do, and who turn our knowledge into action. Especially Jeff Rothblum who showed us a day in the life of a Congressional staffer. youtu.be/cP4fSn4vyHE?t=233

Thank you to the increasing number of security researchers who value engaging with policymakers. We've come a staggeringly long way in six years. The next six will be moreso.

Thank you for saying 'cyber' unirionically and for doing the hard thing - peopleing for good.

Thank you to the National Cyber Director, Chris Inglis, and the Federal CIO, Clare M. for bringing us to the White House for amazing discussions. And to their staff who made the process easy enough even a hacker could get our WAVES forms done. Well, most of us. ;) whitehouse.gov/oncd/briefing-r

Finally, a BIG THANK YOU to Nick Leiserson, who started it with the simple words "I wonder if some hackers would enjoy a tour of the Capitol building," and now brought us to the White House.

To the many big dreams that start with "I wonder what would happen if..." and lead us to better things.

AFAIK, this year was the largest gathering of the security researcher and public policy communities. A major milestone, built by a misfit group of altruists doing good.

If you want to participate in future years, sign up on our interest form. hackersonthehill.org

#hackersonthehill #cybersecurity #cyberpolicy #cybercyber #congress #whitehouse

Last updated 2 years ago

ỉƶo · @izo
13 followers · 133 posts · Server queer.party

Dear Customer,

We are contacting you to keep you updated regarding your order with Lack of Afro that is due for dispatch now, or in the coming weeks. Royal Mail are still experiencing delays from their recent cyber attack. There are some indications that parcels are beginning to ship, so we are hopeful of this being resolved soon, but do not have a timescale to provide at this time."


#royalmail #cybercyber

Last updated 2 years ago

Anne Roth · @anneroth
13850 followers · 1370 posts · Server systemli.social

Jetzt, bis 16 Uhr, zur im .

Stream: https.://www.bundestag.de (etwas runterscrollen)

Infos und Stellungnahmen bundestag.de/dokumente/textarc

#anhorung #itsicherheit #bundestag #cybercyber

Last updated 2 years ago

Kaffeetrinkr · @kaffeetrinkr
64 followers · 457 posts · Server nerdculture.de

Dann war die Stadtverwaltung also keine 24h komplett wieder am Netz. Auch eine Leistung.
Erinnert mich ja schon ziemlich an die Zeitbeschränkung, die wir für die Kinder beim Tablet eingerichtet haben.

#potsdam #cybercyber

Last updated 2 years ago

andi :duck_verified: 🌀 · @sarge
9 followers · 14 posts · Server mstdn.social

Pünktlich zum Warntag um 11:00 geht warnung.bund.de/meldungen down. by Design.

#cybersicherheit #cybercyber #DOS

Last updated 2 years ago

MoeMoep · @Moepmoep
61 followers · 1546 posts · Server social.tchncs.de

Der Moment an dem man realisiert, das man Cyber Cyber Compliance macht...

#cybercyber #security #compliance

Last updated 2 years ago

רני, אבו הוביט · @abu_hobbit
233 followers · 297 posts · Server tooot.im
cynicalsecurity :cm_2: · @cynicalsecurity
946 followers · 3621 posts · Server bsd.network

J. Dykstra et al., "Sludge for Good: Slowing and Imposing Costs on Cyber Attackers"¹

Choice architecture describes the design by which choices are presented to people. Nudges are an aspect intended to make "good" outcomes easy, such as using password meters to encourage strong passwords. Sludge, on the contrary, is friction that raises the transaction cost and is often seen as a negative to users. Turning this concept around, we propose applying sludge for positive cybersecurity outcomes by using it offensively to consume attackers' time and other resources.
To date, most cyber defenses have been designed to be optimally strong and effective and prohibit or eliminate attackers as quickly as possible. Our complimentary approach is to also deploy defenses that seek to maximize the consumption of the attackers' time and other resources while causing as little damage as possible to the victim. This is consistent with zero trust and similar mindsets which assume breach. The Sludge Strategy introduces cost-imposing cyber defense by strategically deploying friction for attackers before, during, and after an attack using deception and authentic design features. We present the characteristics of effective sludge, and show a continuum from light to heavy sludge. We describe the quantitative and qualitative costs to attackers and offer practical considerations for deploying sludge in practice. Finally, we examine real-world examples of U.S. government operations to frustrate and impose cost on cyber adversaries.

¹ arxiv.org/abs/2211.16626

#arxiv #researchpapers #cybercyber #cyberdefence

Last updated 2 years ago

Dodger · @Dodger
40 followers · 298 posts · Server social.tchncs.de

Going to end the weekend with the latest episode of Peripherie.

Still waiting for a movie / series adaptation of Neuromancer. 🤓

#cybercyber #siencefiction

Last updated 2 years ago

Ian Brown (@1br0wn) 🇮🇨 · @1br0wn
862 followers · 866 posts · Server social.masto.host

@EDPS I’m also curious whether NATO has a position on its members’ obligations (or otherwise) on and tools (“offensive” ). I remember about 8 years ago, officials at NATO HQ had to learn what its largest member/funder was doing on this from Edward Snowden’s leaks… 🤨

#spyware #hacking #cybercyber

Last updated 2 years ago

Ian Brown (@1br0wn) 🇮🇨 · @1br0wn
860 followers · 860 posts · Server social.masto.host

Parts of the “cyber community” that are enjoying the current unregulated free-for-all with spyware? 😉

RT @vmanancourt@twitter.com

Hearing increasing grumblings from the cyber community that the European Parliament's PEGA report is ill thought through. Please DM me with your thoughts if this sounds like you (and also if it doesn't, and you think the report is great :) ) Contact details in bio.

🐦🔗: twitter.com/vmanancourt/status


Last updated 2 years ago

Markus Feilner :verified: · @mfeilner
308 followers · 774 posts · Server mastodon.cloud
boran_gregovic · @boran_gregovic
54 followers · 509 posts · Server social.tchncs.de

#hyperhyper #cybercyber #cyber

Last updated 2 years ago