#Belästigung im #Internet
Die negativen Seiten des Internet sind seit längerem bekannt und treiben immer neue Stilblüten: #RachePornos (#revengeporn) #Stalking, #Videoüberwachung, #digitaleGewalt, #Bedrohung|en, #VictimBlaming, #Mobbing, #HateSpeech, #Cybergrooming, #Deepfaking, #Doxing oder #Cyberharassment sind nur einige Schlagworte, die das Problemfeld beschreiben. Je nach Konstellation gibt es verschiedene Möglichkeiten, sich zu wehren. Diese beschreibe ich hier: https://richterrecht.com/belaestigung-im-internet.html
#belastigung #Internet #rachepornos #revengeporn #Stalking #videouberwachung #digitalegewalt #bedrohung #victimblaming #Mobbing #hatespeech #cybergrooming #deepfaking #doxing #cyberharassment
Five Takeaways From the House G.O.P. Hearing With Former Twitter Executives - The Oversight Committee called the session to scrutinize whether the social media platfor... - https://www.nytimes.com/2023/02/08/us/politics/twitter-congressional-hearing.html #unitedstatespoliticsandgovernment #stormingoftheuscapitol(jan2021) #federalbureauofinvestigation #computersandtheinternet #ocasio-cortezalexandria #houseofrepresentatives #cyberharassment #republicanparty #bidenjosephrjr #teigenchrissy
#teigenchrissy #bidenjosephrjr #republicanparty #cyberharassment #houseofrepresentatives #ocasio #computersandtheinternet #federalbureauofinvestigation #stormingoftheuscapitol #unitedstatespoliticsandgovernment
Today is #SaferInternetDay.
Our #EURightsSurvey finds that 27% of young people experienced #CyberHarassment in the past years.
How can we change that?
Let’s work together for a safe & respectful online experience for all.
➡️More: https://fra.europa.eu/en/publication/2021/fundamental-rights-survey-crime
#saferinternetday #EURightsSurvey #cyberharassment #sid2023
Musk Pledged to Cleanse Twitter of Child Abuse Content. Is It Working? - Child sexual abuse imagery spreads on Twitter even after the company is notified: One vid... - https://www.nytimes.com/2023/02/06/technology/twitter-child-sex-abuse.html #videorecordingsdownloadsandstreaming #computersandtheinternet #childabuseandneglect #childpornography #cyberharassment #socialmedia #sexcrimes #muskelon #twitter
#twitter #muskelon #sexcrimes #socialmedia #cyberharassment #childpornography #childabuseandneglect #computersandtheinternet #videorecordingsdownloadsandstreaming
TY @pruvisto 4 #Debirdify https://pruvisto.org/debirdify/ a really smart, easy, and efficient way 2 find #Mastodon accounts u follow on Twitter
I like the clean, sparse retro HTML/CSS design
As a veteran Wikipedia editor I am always so amazed at the volunteers behind the screens who constantly improve the tools we work with
Mastodon galaxy provides a space of calm after my wild weird 9-day #CyberHarassment by those who don't know what source codes look like nor that they were being #RageFarmed
#debirdify #mastodon #cyberharassment #ragefarmed
At eBay, Lurid Crimes but Little Punishment - The victims of a bizarre cyberstalking operation are trying to hold the chief executive a... - https://www.nytimes.com/2022/09/16/technology/ebay-cyberstalking-crimes.html #threatsandthreateningmessages #computersandtheinternet #siliconvalley(calif) #internal-sub-only #cyberharassment #stalking(crime) #lellingandrew #wenigdevinn #e-commerce #ebayinc
#ebayinc #e #wenigdevinn #lellingandrew #stalking #cyberharassment #internal #siliconvalley #computersandtheinternet #threatsandthreateningmessages