Betanews: How machine learning safeguards organizations from modern cyber threats #ArtificialIntelligence #MachineLearning #cybersecurity #cyberhygiene #AIsecurity #Security #Article #2024 #AI
#artificialintelligence #machinelearning #cybersecurity #cyberhygiene #aisecurity #security #article #ai
Betanews: How machine learning safeguards organizations from modern cyber threats #ArtificialIntelligence #MachineLearning #cybersecurity #cyberhygiene #AIsecurity #Security #Article #2024 #AI
#artificialintelligence #machinelearning #cybersecurity #cyberhygiene #aisecurity #security #article #ai
@Bloonface The #Internet is not #private. The #Fediverse is on the Internet. Ergo, the Fediverse is not private.
The difference is that we *know* what content we're sharing with the Fediverse: exactly what we post. Unlike other services, we can control what is collected. That's a HUGE difference: just following good #CyberHygiene gives us #PrivacyByDefault.
No matter who is #scraping the #data, it can only scrape what we give them.
#internet #private #fediverse #cyberhygiene #privacybydefault #scraping #data
Redkey USB V5: la chiavetta che cancella i dati instataneamente
#cybersecurity #infosec #datasecurity #networksecurity #cyberawareness #privacy #cybercrime #secure #antivirus #cyberdefense #dataprotection #malware #cyberthreats #phishing #businesssecurity #passwordsecurity #iotsecurity #securityawareness #cyberattack #onlineprotection #cloudsecurity #cybersafety #cyberhygiene #cyberresilience #cybereducation #internetsecurity
#cybersecurity #infosec #datasecurity #networksecurity #CyberAwareness #privacy #cybercrime #secure #antivirus #cyberdefense #dataprotection #malware #cyberthreats #phishing #businesssecurity #passwordsecurity #iotsecurity #securityawareness #cyberattack #onlineprotection #cloudsecurity #cybersafety #cyberhygiene #CyberResilience #cybereducation #internetsecurity
Es gibt eine neue Episode von Release.Patch.Repeat! 👉🏼
Die nicht ganz freiwilligen Mitwirkenden dieser Ausgabe sind mitteilungsbedürftige SaaS-Plattformen, Cisco, Zyxel, schon wieder ESXi, diverse Trittbretter wie Microsoft PaperCut Server oder Veeam Backup Software und ein Gen-Sequenzer.
#schwachstellen #vulnerabilities #ransomware #trojans #vulnerabilitymanagement #patchmanagement #cyberhygiene #cyberdefense #itsicherheit #itsecurity
#schwachstellen #vulnerabilities #ransomware #trojans #vulnerabilitymanagement #patchmanagement #cyberhygiene #cyberdefense #itsicherheit #itsecurity
Nach der Osterpause gibt es seit heute wieder eine neue Episode von Release.Patch.Repeat. Die Protagonisten dieser Folge sind unser Lieblingssorgenkind OT, Veritas, Microsoft und USB-Ladebuchsen am Flughafen. Außerdem gibt’s wieder interessante Reports, u. a. von Malwarebytes, Armorblox sowie neue Erkenntnisse zu IPFS Phishing-Kampagnen von Kaspersky
#phishing #vulnerabilities #vulnerabilitymanagement #patching #patchmanagement #itsecurity #cyberhygiene #resilienz
#phishing #vulnerabilities #vulnerabilitymanagement #patching #patchmanagement #itsecurity #cyberhygiene #resilienz
Twitter is making the world less secure
#News #TechNews #TwitterBlue #cybersecurity #cyberhygiene #education #MFA
#news #technews #Twitterblue #cybersecurity #cyberhygiene #education #mfa
Daily podcast: Twitter is making the world less secure
#News #TechNews #TwitterBlue #cybersecurity #cyberhygiene #education #MFA #podcast
#news #technews #Twitterblue #cybersecurity #cyberhygiene #education #mfa #podcast
In this day and age, people doing risky online behavior still think that they have “nothing to lose” if their connection/account is compromised. #frustrating #cyberhygiene
In this day and age, people doing risky online behavior still think that they have “nothing to lose” if their connection/account is compromised. #frustrating #cyberhygiene
In this day and age, people still think that doing risky online behavior still think that they have “nothing to lose” if their connection/account is compromised. #frustrating #cyberhygiene
From the article "The Password Isn’t Dead Yet. You Need a Hardware Key"(1) from #Wired.
"Hardware authentication is very secure because you need to physically possess the key and produce it."
That is 100% true!
But I see the following problems (in the world of non-admins and sophisticated systems).
-> Some companies make it a way to easy to bypass MFA;
-> The support for hardware-based MFA on websites is relatively low (for sites I know and have accounts);
-> MFA is still a missing option or sometimes limited to SMS support (what I hate - I just don't want to share my private phone number with companies);
-> Websites still limit password length to a bizarre small number of max-chars; and
-> Websites still limit which special chars you can use;
Fact is: start now having good "cyber hygiene" (don't wait until it is too late):
-> Buy at least two (yes, you deferentially want a backup key) hardware keys (e.g. Yubikey(2)) ;
-> Use a password manager;
-> Use a unique password for each account you have;
I like the way the article finishes: "While it may feel daunting at first to add one more best practice to your digital security to-do list, hardware tokens are actually easy to set up. And you'll get plenty of mileage from just using them on a couple of, ahem, key accounts."
#IT-Hygiene #CyberHygiene #yubico #yubikey #security #privacy #2fa #mfa #otp #totp
#wired #it #cyberhygiene #yubico #yubikey #security #privacy #2fa #mfa #otp #totp
@jerry I believe this is an #InheritRisk working in the #EnterpriseSpace, especially the #FediSpace (regardless of which country you work in). While this sucks generally, it appears on the surface that this could have been avoided by simply installing AV updates? That's #Security101. Especially after they were already attacked. #ShouldHaveKnownBetter.
Not too comfortable with a 7-year jail sentence, but without knowing their local laws around this topic I can't really speak to that in depth.
It is another hard example of why regular #Patching and #SystemUpdates are essential - at work and especially at home. Even if they are manually applied! It's not just good #CyberHygiene, in many instances it is a regulatory or #LegalRequirement.
#inheritrisk #enterprisespace #fedispace #security101 #shouldhaveknownbetter #patching #systemupdates #cyberhygiene #legalrequirement #hugyourinfosecteam #cybersecurity
5^ pillola di #cyberhygiene in co
La truffa del pacco in arrivo.
Guarda il video:
Nella seconda pillola di #cyberhygiene assieme alla Polizia raccontiamo di un nuovo caso di #phishing: dopo un sms apparentemente inviato da #PosteItaliane con cui vengono rubate le credenziali bancarie, la vittima riceve una telefonata da un falso poliziotto che lo induce a effettuare un bonifico fraudolento.
Guarda il video qui:
#cyberhygiene #phishing #PosteItaliane
Home and small business #router here in the UK have a small removable card; this card has the SSID, password and admin password for the router on it.
Today I was at a cafe that had the card displayed at the counter. I was tempted to take a photo but opted for providing unsolicited advice instead. #DoingGood #WhatWouldYouDo #cyberhygiene
#router #doinggood #whatwouldyoudo #cyberhygiene
#DidYouKnow #DataBrokers are corporations that collect huge amounts of personally identifiable information (#PII) and package it all together to create 'profiles' or 'listings' with your personal information? These profiles include things like birthdays, past and recent addresses, Social Security numbers, occupations, and more.
You’d probably be shocked at how much of your PII is available online for literally anyone to purchase.
#johnoliver #lastweektonight #cyberhygiene #privacy #privacytips #cyberlaw #dataregulation
#didyouknow #databrokers #pii #johnoliver #lastweektonight #cyberhygiene #privacy #privacytips #cyberlaw #dataregulation
#DidYouKnow #DataBrokers are corporations that collect huge amounts of personally identifiable information (#PII) and package it all together to create 'profiles' or 'listings' with your personal information? These profiles include things like birthdays, past and recent addresses, Social Security numbers, occupations, and more.
You’d probably be shocked at how much of your PII is available online for literally anyone to purchase.
#johnoliver #lastweektonight #cyberhygiene #privacy #privacytips #cyberlaw #dataregulation
#didyouknow #databrokers #pii #johnoliver #lastweektonight #cyberhygiene #privacy #privacytips #cyberlaw #dataregulation
#DidYouKnow #DataBrokers are corporations that collect huge amounts of personally identifiable information (#PII) and package it all together to create 'profiles' or 'listings' with your personal information? These profiles include things like birthdays, past and recent addresses, Social Security numbers, occupations, and more.
You’d probably be shocked at how much of your PII is available online for literally anyone to purchase.
#johnoliver #lastweektonight #cyberhygiene #privacy #privacytips #cyberlaw #dataregulation
#didyouknow #databrokers #pii #johnoliver #lastweektonight #cyberhygiene #privacy #privacytips #cyberlaw #dataregulation