Every week, we highlight a new #ebook from our collection.
📕🔦 This week’s pick:
"The Routledge Handbook of Privacy and Social Media" 📱🌐🔐 edited by Sabine Trepte and Philipp Masur.
#ebook #cybermonday #librarycollection
¿Sabías que los #descuentos no existen? Es una #GranMentira de #marketing. Ninguna de las #empresas que haga estas pseudo #promociones puede decir fehacientemente de dónde se obtiene tal porcentaje de #descuento.
Por lo general, las #compañías suelen subir fuertemente el precio de sus #productos y los baja antes de fechas de #rebajas inventadas como #BlackFriday, #CyberMonday y #HotSale para «demostrarle» al público que realmente hicieron un #recorte de #precios.
Pero es todo una #MENTIRA.
#empresas #descuentos #granmentira #marketing #promociones #descuento #companias #productos #rebajas #blackfriday #cybermonday #hotsale #recorte #precios #mentira
Every week, we highlight a new #ebook from our collection.
📕🔦 This week’s pick:
"Cancel Wars: How Universities Can Foster Free Speech, Promote Inclusion, and Renew Democracy" 🗣️🤝🏼🗳️ by Sigal R. Ben-Porath.
#ebook #cybermonday #librarycollection
Every week, we highlight a new #ebook from our collection.
📕🔦 This week’s pick:
"The Seven Measures of the World" 📏⚖️⏱️🌡️⚡🧪🕯️ by Piero Martin.
🔗 www-jstor-org.proxy-ub.rug.nl/stable/jj.3716005
#ebook #cybermonday #librarycollection
Every week, we highlight a new #ebook from our collection.
📕🔦 This week’s pick:
"The Liars of Nature and the Nature of Liars: Cheating and Deception in the Living World" 🙈 🎣 🍄🦎 by Lixing Sun.
#ebook #cybermonday #librarycollection
Every week, we highlight a new #ebook from our collection.
📕🔦 This week’s pick:
"Period: The Real Story of Menstruation" 📅🩸 by Kate Clancy.
🔗 https://proxy-ub.rug.nl/login?url=https://www.degruyter.com/document/doi/10.1515/9780691246826/html
#ebook #cybermonday #librarycollection
Every week, we highlight a new #ebook from our collection.
📕🔦 This week’s pick:
"A Little History of Music" 🎶🪕🎷🎸🎹 by Robert Philip.
#ebook #cybermonday #histodons #librarycollection
Every week, we highlight a new #ebook from our collection.
📕🔦 This week’s pick:
"Homelands: A Personal History of Europe" 🏛️📝 by Timothy Garton Ash.
🔗 www-jstor-org.proxy-ub.rug.nl/stable/jj.2543554
#ebook #cybermonday #histodons #europe #librarycollection
Every week, we highlight a new #ebook from our collection.
📕🔦 This week’s pick:
"House of Orange in Revolution and War: A European History, 1772–1890" by Jeroen Koch, Dik van der Meulen and Jeroen van Zanten.
🔗 https://rug.on.worldcat.org/oclc/1302318842
#ebook #cybermonday #histodons #History #librarycollection
Every week, we highlight one #new #ebook from our collection. 📕🔦 This week’s pick is:
"Autonomous Vehicle Ethics: The Trolley Problem and Beyond" 🚗🚦by Ryan Jenkins, David Cerný, Tomás Hríbek.
Read the e-book: https://academic-oup-com.proxy-ub.rug.nl/book/44058
Every week, we highlight one #new #ebook from our collection. 📕🔦 This week’s pick is:
"Why We #Forget and How To #Remember #Better: The #Science Behind #Memory" 🧠⏳🧩 by Andrew E. Budson and Elizabeth A. Kensinger.
Read the e-book: https://academic-oup-com.proxy-ub.rug.nl/book/45543
#new #ebook #forget #remember #better #science #memory #cybermonday
Every week, we highlight one #new #ebook from our collection. 📕🔦 This week’s pick is:
"A History of Scientific Journals: Publishing at the Royal Society, 1665-2015" 📐 🧲 🧪🔬 by Aileen Fyfe, Noah Moxham, Julie McDougall-Waters, and Camilla Mørk Røstvik.
Read the e-book: https://library.oapen.org/handle/20.500.12657/58947
Every week, we highlight one #new #ebook from our collection. 📕🔦 This week’s pick is:
"The Cambridge Handbook of Creativity and Emotions" 🎸🎨🤩💜👏🏽 edited by Zorana Ivcevic, Jessica D. Hoffmann, James C. Kaufman.
Read the e-book: https://proxy-ub.rug.nl/login?url=https://doi.org/10.1017/9781009031240
Every week, we highlight one #new #e-book from our #collection. 🔦 This week’s pick is:
📕 "#Motivation #Science: Controversies and Insights" by Mimi Bong (ed.), Johnmarshall Reeve (ed.), Sung-il Kim (ed.)
➡️ Read the e-book: https://proxy-ub.rug.nl/login?url=https://academic.oup.com/book/45435
#new #e #collection #motivation #science #cybermonday
🔉 Final Cyber Monday meeting: 06/03, 14h Online 🔉
Computational perspectives and organized crime: a seminar on two studies in Italy and Mexico. (by Campedelli G. M. UniTrento)
Sign up to recieve an invite: 👉https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdSIzMKE4X1_q89ameWYQys2JcWC3BaD7GZoFHmANC3737iWA/viewform
#computationalsocialsciences #cybermonday
🔉 Tomorrow 20/02: Third Cyber Monday 14h, Online 🔉
An introduction to ERGM models with an application to the study of gender bias in high school. (by Bianchi F. & De Gioannis E.)
You can still join here: 👇 https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdSIzMKE4X1_q89ameWYQys2JcWC3BaD7GZoFHmANC3737iWA/viewform
#ergm #computationalsocialsciences #cybermonday
Back in my day, you could cyber on any day, not just Monday.
Back in my day, you could cyber on any day, not just Monday.
New in our electronic #collection:
📖 "#Lyric Address in #Dutch #Literature, 1250-1800" by Cornelis van der Haven and Jürgen Pieters
🔗 https://proxy-ub.rug.nl/login?url=https://www.jstor.org/stable/j.ctt22zmb80
#collection #lyric #dutch #literature #cybermonday
RT @cher@twitter.com
It’s All Or Nothing Now 🦾
90s: Peach Nectar, Heliotrope, Sandalwood
@Walmart@twitter.com @myscentbeauty@twitter.com
#CherDecades #CherYourDecades #CyberMonday
#cherdecades #cheryourdecades #cybermonday