Geoff closes out this month's #DoctorWho #SecondDoctor #Cyberpalooza theme on Monster Mondays with the #Cybermen story that people feel might just be the best of the bunch in the 60s, the action-packed epic The Invasion!
#doctorwho #seconddoctor #cyberpalooza #cybermen
On this new #MonsterMondays, Geoff continues the #SecondDoctor #Cyberpalooza with the next Classic #DoctorWho #Cybermen story, The Wheel in Space.
#monstermondays #seconddoctor #cyberpalooza #doctorwho #cybermen
Our second part of our #SecondDoctor #Cyberpalooza for February is looking at one of the #ClassicDoctorWho all-time greats. Join Geoff as he talks #TheTomboftheCybermen
#doctorwho #podcast #60s #cybermen
#seconddoctor #cyberpalooza #classicdoctorwho #thetombofthecybermen #doctorwho #Podcast #60s #cybermen