It's a milestone moment for the #CyberPeaceBuilders program! ๐
Our ambition was to support at least 100 #NGOs by the end of the year!
The CyberPeaceBuilders program is a volunteering program of the Institute, connecting #cybersecurity experts to #nonprofit organizations who operate in some of the most challenging environments.
Many thanks to all our partners and volunteers! ๐๐
Our goal is to assist and protect 1,000 NGOs, with assistance provided through over 3,000 volunteers by 2025.
#cyberpeacebuilders #ngos #cybersecurity #nonprofit
It's a milestone moment for the #CyberPeaceBuilders program! ๐
Our ambition was to support at least 100 #NGOs by the end of the year! We have now reached 101.
Many thanks to all our partners and volunteers for the support! ๐๐ We need even more #joinus #supportus
โ๏ธ #HumanitarianCyber #cybercivildefense
#cybercivildefense #humanitariancyber #supportUs #joinus #ngos #cyberpeacebuilders
Our #CyberPeaceBuilders program was featured on @wsj as unique #volunteering program in #cybersecurity that can help #NGOs #civilsociety & reduce staff turnover in #corporate
Proudly part of #CyberCivilDefense initiative
Read more&join us:
#cybercivildefense #corporate #civilsociety #ngos #cybersecurity #volunteering #cyberpeacebuilders
Our #CyberPeaceBuilders program featured on by as unique #volunteer program in #cyber #dataanalytics & other #tech fields can help #NGOs #civilsociety & reduce turnover in #corporate cc Read more&join us:
#corporate #civilsociety #ngos #tech #dataanalytics #cyber #volunteer #cyberpeacebuilders
Some reflections:
It was great to engage with #NGOs #civilsociety #foundations #philanthropy
#joinus #supportus in our #CyberPeaceBuilders program to support the most vulnerable #cyberpeace #humanitarian #sustainabledevelopment
#sustainabledevelopment #humanitarian #cyberpeace #cyberpeacebuilders #supportUs #joinus #philanthropy #foundations #civilsociety #ngos