A braw #Scots neologism, entirely contemporary wi the English neologism "website" (first uised 1994), hit wis first uised on usenet efter the dawn o the Warld Wide Wab in 1991. Whilst Scots wis uised on the wab fae hits inception, 1996 seen the first steid named a wabsteid.
@DrMDempster @OorMargit syne fowk can follae hashtags ower here that might be the wey tae raise a flag they can rally tae. Ahm hinkin Michael's #CYBERSCOTS might get fankled wae #cybernats (no necessarily a bad hing, but no an accurate target).
#ScotsLanguage onybody?
#scotslanguage #cybernats #cyberscots
@scottishlass @JohnW_Scotland same! Ye kin see mines on ma #CYBERSCOTS talk π π A hud tae get it in there!
@moh_kohn it is somethin else!
A aye preach the #FOSS whan fowk are luikin fir resoorces, A howp we kin keep that gaun here :)
Fowk are appreciatin ma #CYBERSCOTS video the noo as they're contemplatin whit we're daein wi oor internent communication in the current context.
Seein we're bein thochtfae aboot the Internet an hou we uise it, here a lecture o mines entitled #CYBERSCOTS luikin at the history o #Scots language uise on the internet.
Ma unnergraduate degree is #neuroscience an #AI - A cam at oor Scots throu #ComputationalLinguistics an #Neurolinguistics an A'm fascinatit wi hou we uise oor language in interfaces an online.
A howp yees enjoy this whusslestap tour described bi the Internet Archive as "A Modern Classic" π€
#neurolinguistics #computationallinguistics #ai #neuroscience #scots #cyberscots