#Introduction time to 🐘 #Mastodon. I’m a Lecturer at @kingsdh based in London, where I teach modules on #SocialMedia and #DigitalPolitics. I research the navigation of online political information in everyday life, and the production of state-linked manipulation of information (#cybertrooping, #cybertroopers). Most of my research is situated in Southeast Asia (with a focus on #Malaysia, where I’m originally from), but recently studied #LGBTQ youth in Asia and the Pacific.
#introduction #mastodon #socialmedia #digitalpolitics #cybertrooping #cybertroopers #malaysia #lgbtq
#Introduction time to 🐘 #Mastodon. I’m a Lecturer at @kingsdh based in London, where I teach modules on #SocialMedia and #DigitalPolitics. I study the navigation of online political information in everyday life, and the production of state-linked manipulation of information (#cybertrooping, #cybertroopers). Most of my research is situated in Southeast Asia (with a focus on #Malaysia, where I’m originally from), but recently studied #LGBTQ youth in Asia and the Pacific.
#introduction #mastodon #socialmedia #digitalpolitics #cybertrooping #cybertroopers #malaysia #lgbtq
Tomorrow, I'm moderating the next Going Global online research seminar at @kingsdh (online event). Features Dr Yatun Sastramidjaja speaking about: 'Rhizome vs. Regime: Digital Activists and Cyber Troopers in a Competitive Cybersphere'. Join us! Register for free here: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/going-global-talk-series-tickets-471191515507 #cybertroopers #lectureseries #globaldigitalcultures #indonesia
#cybertroopers #lectureseries #globaldigitalcultures #indonesia