I have a friend who their child is seeking degrees in Biological/Mechanical engineering, Basically he wants to make #Cyborgs!
https://medium.com/robot-fetishism-fembotification - Cyborgs, Mechas, All-Metal Robots, Humanoid Robots, Gynoids, and Fembotification Kink is the erotic story themes of what is posted to this publication. If you have any ready to go or in the works please follow and/or post away 🙏🏻
#mecha #mechasexual #humanoidrobot #cyborg #cyborgs #robotfetish #gynoid #fembot #fembotificationkink #technosexual #technosexuality #sexrobot #sexrobots #erotica #eroticfiction
#mecha #mechasexual #humanoidrobot #cyborg #cyborgs #robotfetish #gynoid #fembot #fembotificationkink #technosexual #technosexuality #sexrobot #sexrobots #erotica #eroticfiction
Had a lot going on in the past two days, delaying my plans on revising my cyberpunk noir novella. But I did write out and organize a list of Ryn's leads.
I was going to arrange it the way I figured they would (and still might, for funsies), but it's more important to focus on the plot right now.
There's smaller details I want to add in as well, mostly fleshed out descriptions and some world building.
#revising #earlyadopter #cyborgs #sapphicbooks #scifi
Today's queer indie review! Reis Asher, Conversion Dysphoria Blues:
"Many scenes are extremely powerful, written in a literary manner. But just as you settle in, the story throws in pulp-fiction elements that whiplash your brain... A dark mirror that makes us face our demons."
#Cyborgs #GenderDysphoria #Transgender #NonBinary #Review #Book Review #SciFi #ScienceFiction #LGBTQ #LGBTQIA #LGBTQBookstodon @LGBTQBookstodon @diversebooks #bookstodon @bookstodon #book #books
#books #bookstodon #lgbtqbookstodon #lgbtqia #lgbtq #sciencefiction #scifi #book #review #nonbinary #transgender #genderdysphoria #cyborgs
NEW ARTICLE: Cyrano de Borg
#ai #chatgpt #cyborgs #cyrano #date #devices #interview #rizzcpt #wingman #cishuman
Because of course there is, there is now a monocle that will prompt you ...
#ai #chatgpt #cyborgs #cyrano #date #devices #interview #rizzcpt #wingman #cishuman
the trailer for #Simulant the movie starring #RobbieAmell is out now!
#MaleAndroids #MaleASFR #ScienceFiction #Trailer #SimuLiu #androids #robots #cyborgs #droids
#droids #cyborgs #robots #androids #simuliu #trailer #sciencefiction #maleasfr #maleandroids #robbieAmell #simulant
I was reminded just now, by a mondegreen reply to a toot, that once I sketched some fishy motorbike biomech aircraft. They’re not flying prawns (tho I did draw those once, too). But they still shouldn’t be aloft.
#vehicles #biomechanical #cyborgs #sketches #art
Two papers from the #ColiberationLab accepted to #CHI2023
Cyborg Assemblages: how autistic adults construct sociotechnical networks to support cognitive function
Autism has become a popular context for accessible technology researchers, yet a majority of HCI projects for autism and ADHD do not engage in participatory method or otherwise involve disabled stakeholders in the project and research design. Prior inquiry has identified executive function as a common difficulty for which technologies may provide novel benefits. In this study, we explore how autistic adults currently use technologies, broadly defined, to augment executive function and support themselves in day-to-day tasks. We collect qualitative data from narratives elicited during informal asynchronous interviews do conduct a digital ethnomethodology. Following from principles of Design Justice, crip technoscience, and cyborg assemblage theory, we investigate how autistic adults articulate their own sociotechnical environments into technologically mediated assemblages of executive function and interpersonal webs of care. These patterns of sociotechnical formation inform future work in research and design for tools that can mediate executive function for all users.
Counterventions: a reparative approach to interventionist HCI
Research in HCI applied to clinical interventions relies on normative assumptions about which bodies and minds are healthy, valuable, and desirable. To disrupt this normalizing drive in HCI, we define a “counterventional approach” to intervention technology design informed by critical scholarship and community perspectives. This approach is meant to unsettle normative assumptions of intervention as urgent, necessary, and curative. We begin with a historical overview of intervention in HCI and its critics. Then, through reparative readings of past interventionist HCI projects, we illustrate the emergent principles of a counterventional approach and how they may manifest research outcomes that are fundamentally divergent from normative approaches. We then explicate characteristics of “counterventions” – projects that contest dominant sociotechnical paradigms through privileging community and participants in research inquiry, interaction design, and analysis of outcomes. These divergent results have transformative implications for how interventionist HCI might be conducted in future.
#HCI #Cyborgs #DisabilityStudies #CripTechnoscience #Autistic
#ColiberationLab #CHI2023 #hci #cyborgs #disabilitystudies #criptechnoscience #autistic
While pondering about one Muskerfuck - Twitter, what’s going on at another? Neuralink has fallen into the same addled personal vendetta. Except they want to implant it in your brain.
#Musk #Cyborgs #InnovationUberAlles
#musk #cyborgs #innovationuberalles
Multicolor Cyborg
#AI #AIart #aiartcommunity #scfiart #Fantasy #TheBeastsofAI #surrealart #Mastodon #Mastoart #mastodonart #pixelfed #pixelfedart #nature #natureart #fantasy #fantasyart #beautiful #Mysterious #portrait #colours #fututistic #cyborg #cyborgdesigns #cyborgs
#ai #aiart #aiartcommunity #scfiart #fantasy #thebeastsofai #surrealart #mastodon #mastoart #mastodonart #pixelfed #pixelfedart #nature #natureart #fantasyart #beautiful #mysterious #portrait #colours #fututistic #cyborg #cyborgdesigns #cyborgs
#ScifiVsReality Scientists are developing versatile, synthetic "cyborg" cells in the lab. Same but not identical; these #cyborgs cannot divide and grow.
Possibilities are improving the treatment of diseases like cancer to eliminating #pollution. #Scifi https://bit.ly/3wHKY81
#scifivsreality #cyborgs #pollution #scifi
Character Design Draw Overs: Drones, Androids, & Cyborgs. Livestream Replay
#characterdesign #silhouette #androids #cyborgs
A #future of #cyborgs: Would you trade your biological parts for bionic ones? Check out the #robotics debate from this year's Ingenuity Labs Robotics & AI Symposium, featuring Audrey Sedal (McGill University), Lane Desborough (Nudge BG), Matthew Robertson (Ingenuity Labs), and Tracy Trothen (Ingenuity Labs). https://youtu.be/te-JKDVJlXU
Le côté humain-machine qu'on découvre dans la deuxième partie est absolument génial et très bien géré.
On y retrouve des #MastoLivre #MastoLivres #Bookstodon #Épouvante #Midnight #DeanKoontzcodes de la science-fiction de l'époque, et on pourrait presque voir des décors "vintages" dignes de nos films préférés prendre vie juste sous nos yeux.
Pour autant, le livre a très bien vieilli et, comme je le disais, il trouve un écho assez dérangeant dans les années 2020.
J'avais l'impression qu'on s'éparpillait entre les régressifs, les #cyborgs, les Nouveaux Hommes qui ne devenaient ni l'un ni l'autre, mais finalement les choses s'éclairent dans la troisième et dernière partie... Autant que des mutations non-contrôlées peuvent être claires.
#Koontz a finalement choisi de confiner les questions existentielles à Sam Booker et à Watkins, qui sont des personnages qui travaillent en tandem implicite dans la trame. L'un a perdu le contact avec un fils bien vivant qui s'est muré dans le silence, l'autre ayant mis un terme prématuré à la vie d'un garçon devenu + circuits et câbles que chair et sang.
Booker s'est donc pris d'affection pour la petite Chrissie, pleine de vie, de rĂŞves et de candeur.
Les deux hommes, toujours suivant des chemins parallèles, ont donc décidé d'éliminer celui qui, supposé élever la race humaine, a fait de leur vie un véritable cauchemar.
En fait, on s'attend presque Ă ce qu'ils fondent de concert sur Shaddack, chacun lui logeant une balle dans un organe vital.
On a aussi de petits passages avec Harold, la guerre du Viet-Nâm, quelques citations doucereuses sur la responsabilité et la joie d'être en vie.
C'est un côté qui est finalement assez peu creusé, si on regarde par rapport à la taille du pavé, mais j'ai la sensation que c'est pas + mal.
Comme je le disais, j'ai trouvé le style excellent.
Il sera sans doute un peu lourd pour certain-es, mais c'est tout Ă fait mon genre.
Très imagé, crédible sans se perdre en technicités, largement poétique et capable de maintenir une belle tension tout au long du livre.
Le point faible se trouve pour moi dans les dialogues, qui ont tendance à tomber un peu à plat, et dans certaines répétitions ; les sentiments de Watkins, le monologue interne de Chrissie, la description des sons émis par les régressifs... On tourne parfois un peu en rond avec un vocabulaire trop similaire alors qu'il est excellemment varié partout ailleurs dans le livre.
Volonté de raccrocher les passages entre eux ou maladresse ? Les deux cas semblent tout aussi étranges pour un auteur comme Koontz qui nous montre qu'il manie les mots avec une telle adresse. Donc on va dire que c'est la faute à la traduction.
C'est un livre qui se relit, un livre qui fait réfléchir, un livre qui se prête, comme le prouve l'état de mon édition de poche.
En tout cas, un livre que je conseille vivement.
#MastoLivre #MastoLivres #Bookstodon #Épouvante #Midnight #DeanKoontz
#mastolivre #mastolivres #bookstodon #epouvante #midnight #deankoontzcodes #cyborgs #koontz #DeanKoontz
@garry I’m sorry but that’s already a thing we saw in #Terminator 2. It did not end well for many, many people and #cyborgs. #Terminator2 #BadIdea #KillerRobot #WTF
#terminator #cyborgs #terminator2 #badidea #killerrobot #wtf
I realized I never did an #introduction on here, so here goes!
My name is Chip: I'm a novice #gay #artist who specializes in sci-fi images, mostly transforming men into #androids, #robots, and #cyborgs through #photomanipulation .
I run a #Telegram and #Instagram channel dedicated to bringing together gay #technosexuals and #ASFR lovers, and Mastodon is where my #birdsite channel has moved. đź’™
I love interacting with the community, so messages, retoots, & the like are very welcome! ...cont'd
#introduction #gay #artist #androids #robots #cyborgs #photomanipulation #telegram #instagram #technosexuals #asfr #birdsite
DESIGN + TECHNOLOGY. A new book looks at the physicality of human-computer interaction, specifically with things like: tangible user-interfaces, haptics, and smart materials; through to robots and embodied computation. It comes complete with philosophical theory of computational physicality. Seems to sum up the recent preoccupations of a very large field of study.
#design #ComputerScience #materiality #MaterialScience #HumanComputerInteraction #UX #Cyborgs #UserExperience
#design #computerscience #materiality #materialscience #humancomputerinteraction #ux #cyborgs #userexperience
For the 14th anniversary of the start of the Sarah Connor Chronicles, we're sharing some cyborg books from LimFic.com (OMG I loved Summer Glau in that show).
Check out all of our cyborg titles:
#cyborgs #androids #SarahConnorChronicles #SciFi #ScienceFiction #books #bookstoread #bookstodon @Bookstodon
#bookstodon #bookstoread #books #sciencefiction #scifi #sarahconnorchronicles #androids #cyborgs